Abstracts (by title)
Early English Books in Context: Towards a History of the Technological Humanities
Powell, D.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
Edit Histories and Literary Turf Wars: John Ashbery, Academic Criticism and Wikipedia *
McGrath, J.
Editing in a text-image-sound form: the eTalks
Clivaz, C., Sankar, M., Pache, C.
EDM in Use: Collecting Metadata for a Regional Cultural Heritage Portal
Steiner, E.
El Uso de las Tecnologías Digitales para la Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural en México
Miranda Trigueros, E., Priani Saisó, E., Galina Russell, I.
Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-Scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High Performance Computing, and transforming access to British Library Digital Collections
Terras, M. et al.
Engaging Students in Digital Literary Analysis: GALGO (Golden Age Literature Glossary Online), a Social Semiotic Platform
Alonso Garcia, N., Caplan, A.
Enhancing Close Reading
Cheema, M., Jänicke, S., Scheuermann, G.
Entities as topic labels: improving topic interpretability and evaluability combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA
Nanni, F., Ruiz Fabo, P.
Erlebter Raum im Rom der späten Republik - eine digitale Forschungsumgebung
Scheuermann, L., Jantke, K., Scheuermann, W.
Etymology Meets Linked Data. A Case Study In Turkic
Chiarcos, C., Abromeit, F., Fäth, C., Ionov, M.
Evaluating GitHub as a Platform of Knowledge for the Humanities
Spiro, L.
Evaluating Modal Use in News Corpus for Constructing Rhetorical Context of Historical Event
Liu, J., Lee, C., Ning, K.
EVI-LINHD. A Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community
del Rio Riande, G., González-Blanco García, E., Martínez Cantón, C., Escribano, J.
EVT 2.0: a new architecture for critical editions in digital form
Di Pietro, C., Alzetta, C., Tiezzi, I., Masotti, R., Rosselli Del Turco, R.
Excerpta Constantiniana: From Palimpsest to a Digital Edition of a Medieval Encyclopaedia
Rafiyenko, D.
Exploring and Discovering Archive-It Collections with Warcbase
Milligan, I., Lin, J., Wiebe, J., Zhou, A.
Exploring and Evaluating Cartographic (miss)Representation in a Sample of Web-based Geohumanities Projects
Jones, C.
Exploring Networks Of Confidentiality And Secrecy In Early Modern Transconfessional Correspondences
van Vugt, I.
Exploring The History Of The Qur’an Digitally
Jocham, T., Marx, M., Pohl, O., Schnöpf, M.
Exploring the Rules of Rhyme: Operationalizing Historical Poetics
Houston, N.
Extraction and Visualization of Toponyms in Diachronic Text Corpora
Barbaresi, A., Biber, H.
Faceting and Mining Network Graphs
Willan, C.
Faraway, So Close!: Reading Adeline Mowbray Closely Using Topic Modelling
Falk, M.
File Formats for Archiving: Stability and Persistence Issues
Fornaro, P., Rosenthaler, L.
First We Feel Then We Fall - Multimedia Adaptation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Bazarnik, K., Wróblewski, J.
Flexible Community-driven Metadata with the Component Metadata Infrastructure
Windhouwer, M., Goosen, T., Misutka, J., Van Uytvanck, D., Broeder, D.
Free FannyPacks: A Model for the Easy Digital Publication of Archival Periodical Material
McMullen, K.
Frequency and Meaning
Craig, H.
From Ashes to Ashé: Digital Disaster Archives as Memorials
Carlton, P.
From Digitization to Knowledge: Resources and Methods for Semantic Processing of Digital Works/Texts
Nugues, P., Borin, L., Fargier, N., Johansson, R., Reiter, N., Tonelli, S.
From Handwritten Text to Structured Data: Alternatives to Editing Large Archival Series
Sluijter, R., Scherer, M., Derks, S., Nijenhuis, I., Ravenek, W., Hoekstra, R.
From Index Cards to a Digital Information System: Teaching Data Modeling to Master's Students in History
Beretta, F.
From Keyword Search To Discourse Mining - The Meaning Of Scientific Management In Dutch Vocabulary, 1900-1940
Huijnen, P., Lonij, J.
From Language Revolution to Revolutionary Language
Yue, C., Ho, L., Cheng, W.
From Order to Order Switch. Mediating between Complexity and Reproducibility in the Context of Automated Literary Annotation
Thomas, B., Gius, E., Jacke, J., Strötgen, J.
Full Stack DH: Building a Virtual Research Environment on a Raspberry PI
Smithies, J.
GAMS and Cirilo: research data preservation and presentation
Bürgermeister, M. et al.
Geocoding Thousands of Fiscal Records: Methodological Approach for a Study on Urban Retail Trade in the Belle Époque
Alves, D.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Git-Lit: an Application of Distributed Version Control Technology toward the Creation of 50,000 Digital Scholarly Editions
Reeve, J.
GLAMorous! Edizione Digitale Di Beni Culturali Con Contenuto Testuale, Multidisciplinarietà Ed Epigrafia Digitale.
Lamé, M.
Go Set A Watchman while we Kill the Mockingbird in Cold Blood, with Cats and Other People
Eder, M., Rybicki, J.
Harvesting History: Democratizing The Past Through The Digitization Of Community History
Lester, C.
Historical Linguistics’ New Toys, or Stylometry Applied to the Study of Language Change
Eder, M., Górski, R.
How IBM Watson Can Help Us Understand Character in Shakespeare: A Cognitive Computing Approach to the Plays.
Egloff, M., Picca, D., Curran, K.
Identifying the Same Ukiyo-e Prints from Databases in Dutch and Japanese
Kimura, T., Song, Y., Batjargal, B., Kimura, F., Maeda, A.
Identity Lenses in Analyzing Evolving Social Structures
Hott, J., Martin, W., Flake, K.
If Paintings were Plants: Measuring Genre Diversity in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting and Printmaking
Lincoln, M.