Commens Digital Companion to Charles S. Peirce
Queiroz, J., Bergman, M., Paavola, S.
Metaphor Mining in Historical German Novels: Using Unsupervised Learning to Uncover Conceptual Systems in Literature.
Pernes, S.
Modelling between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice
Ciula, A., Eide, Ø., Marras, C., Sahle, P.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Sussex Humanities Lab - Emotion, Automation and Sonic Socialities
Roberts, B. et al.
The Categories of Philosophy in the Digital Era
Durity, A., Vulcu, G., Bordea, G., O'Sullivan, J., Jones, J.
The Latin of Matthew of Cracow (c. 1345 – 1410) – a corpus based study of his language and style
Marszałek, J.
The School of Salamanca on the Semantic Web
Wagner, A., Caesar, I.
Automatic quotation detection in Russian nonfiction texts
Tyshkevich, N.
Computers on Law and Order
Thompson, J.
DH Bridge: Teaching Computational Thinking in the Humanities
Wieringa, J., Sharpe, C.
DIVAServices-Spotlight – Experimenting with Document Image Analysis Methods in the Web
Würsch, M., Bärtschi, M., Ingold, R., Liwicki, M.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Detecting Musical Paratext at Scale
Boettcher, M., Wallace, J.
Development of a Support Tool for Categorizing Ukiyo-e’s Pictorial Themes: A System to Deal with Visual Features and Similarities
Saito, S., Suzuki, K.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
EVI-LINHD. A Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community
del Rio Riande, G., González-Blanco García, E., Martínez Cantón, C., Escribano, J.
Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-Scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High Performance Computing, and transforming access to British Library Digital Collections
Terras, M. et al.
Exploring The History Of The Qur’an Digitally
Jocham, T., Marx, M., Pohl, O., Schnöpf, M.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Tilton, L., Arnold, T.
Minimal Computing: A Workshop
Sayers, J., Gil, A., Martin, K., Rosenblum, B., Chan, T.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
New Facets Of The Multimedia Annotation Tool ELAN
Sloetjes, H., Seibert, O.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Publishing Second World War History as Linked Data Events on the Semantic Web
Hyvönen, E. et al.
Pundit. Semantic Annotation for Digital Humanities
Andreini, G., Di Donato, F., Giacomi, D., Giusti, E., Masotti, R.
Seeing the Argument: Visualize Your Database with DAVILA
Bauer, J.
Sustainable publishing - Standardization possibilities for Digital Scholarly Edition technology
Czmiel, A.
The Categories of Philosophy in the Digital Era
Durity, A., Vulcu, G., Bordea, G., O'Sullivan, J., Jones, J.
The DEFC-App: A Web-based Archaeological Data Management System for ‘Digitizing Early Farming Cultures’
Andorfer, P., Aspöck, E., Ďurčo, M., Masur, A., Zaytseva, K.
Toccata : Text-Oriented Computational Classifier Applicable To Authorship
Forsyth, R.
Translating Electronic Literature. Multicultural, Multilingual and Cross-Platform Encounters
Górska-Olesińska, M., Pisarski, M.
View Source: Reading the Hidden Texts of the Web
Thompson, J.
Visualising Cultural Spheres – Virtual Tours and Epigraphical Data
Neovesky, A., Grüntgens, M.
WebSty – an Open Web-based System for Exploring Stylometric Structures in Document Collections
Piasecki, M., Walkowiak, T., Eder, M.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
project design, organization, management
#dariahTeach: online teaching, MOOCs and beyond
Schreibman, S. et al.
A Demonstration of Multispectral Imaging
Heyworth, G., Van Duzer, C., Boydston, K., Phelps, M., Easton, R.
A Web-based Tool Called Gauntlet: From Iterative Design To Interactive Drawings Annotation
Dessart, G., Sankar, M., Chasapi, A., Bologna, G., Dandarova Robert, Z., Brandt, P.
A Workflow for Encoding and Publishing Inscriptions
Mylonas, E., DiGiulio, S.
Building Capacity with Care: Graduate Students and DH work in the Library
Pike, A., Childress, D., Antonijević, S., McGrath, J., Gil, A., Collins, B.
Change, Transition and Governance: Lessons from a Long-Term, Large Scale DH Collaboration
Siemens, L.
Collaborative Translation Using FromThePage
Morreale, L., Mundy, B., O'Donnell, T., Paul, N., Reilly, B., Brumfield, B.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Developing Local Digital Humanities Communities: The Atlanta Studies Network
Collins, B. et al.
EDM in Use: Collecting Metadata for a Regional Cultural Heritage Portal
Steiner, E.
EVI-LINHD. A Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community
del Rio Riande, G., González-Blanco García, E., Martínez Cantón, C., Escribano, J.
Evaluating GitHub as a Platform of Knowledge for the Humanities
Spiro, L.
From Keyword Search To Discourse Mining - The Meaning Of Scientific Management In Dutch Vocabulary, 1900-1940
Huijnen, P., Lonij, J.
GAMS and Cirilo: research data preservation and presentation
Bürgermeister, M. et al.
Mobile Makerspaces: Te(a)chnology, Design and Digital Humanities
Boyles, C., Mattock, L.
Notes from the Transcription Desk: Modes of engagement between the community and the resource of the Letters of 1916
Das Gupta, V., Rooney, N., Schreibman, S.
RICardo Project : Exploring 19th Century International Trade
Girard, P. et al.
Recovering Shared Heritage via Spectral Imaging: Problems, Solutions, Interpretations
Heyworth, G., Phelps, M., Wisnicki, A., Boydston, K., Easton, R., Van Duzer, C.
Reflecting On And Refracting User Needs Through Case Studies In The Light Of Europeana Research
Benardou, A. et al.
Sustainable publishing - Standardization possibilities for Digital Scholarly Edition technology
Czmiel, A.
The Digital Scholarship Training Programme at British Library: Concluding Report & Future Developments
McGregor, N., Ridge, M., Wisdom, S., Alencar-Brayner, A.
The Digital Émigré: Russian Periodical Studies and DH in the Slavic Fields
Ermolaev, N., Gleissner, P.
The Encoded Medieval Antiphoner: an Open Access Digital Source for Music and Liturgical Pedagogy and Scholarship
Kijas, A.
The North Carolina Jukebox Project: Archives Alive and the Making of Digital Cultural Heritage
Szabo, V.
Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib
Potvin, S. et al.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.
When DH Meets Law: Problems, Solutions, Perspectives
Witt, A., Kamocki, P.
You Better Monetize! Monetization Strategies in Publishing and Disseminating Digital Scholarly ditions
Sichani, A., Kelly, A.
prosodic studies
DH Poetry Modelling: a Quest for Philological and Technical Standardization
González-Blanco, E., Del Rio Riande, G., Martinez Cantón, C.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
publishing and delivery systems
A lesson in applied minimalism: adopting the TEI processing model
Turska, M., Cummings, J.
Adding Value to a Research Infrastructure Through User-contributed ePublications
Jones, C., Wieneke, L.
CORE - A Contextual Reader based on Linked Data
Mäkelä, E., Lindquist, T., Hyvönen, E.
Collaborative Annotation and Exploration of Literary Works in Learning Contexts
Bolioli, A., Tasso, R.
Computers on Law and Order
Thompson, J.
Cultivating Digital Humanities Biomes: A Collaborative Model
Padilla, T., Mapes, K., Locke, B.
Data Praxis in the Digital Humanities: Use, Production, Access
Padilla, T., Higgins, D.
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne
Chadier, C., Letricot, R., Beretta, F., Boschetto, S.
Digital Criticism Platform for Evidence-based Digital Humanities with Applications to Historical Studies of Silk Road
Kitamoto, A., Nishimura, Y.
Diverse Digitalities: Targeted Models for Postcolonial Challenges in the Digital Discourse.
Menon, N., Gil, A., Gairola, R.
EVT 2.0: a new architecture for critical editions in digital form
Di Pietro, C., Alzetta, C., Tiezzi, I., Masotti, R., Rosselli Del Turco, R.
Edit Histories and Literary Turf Wars: John Ashbery, Academic Criticism and Wikipedia *
McGrath, J.
Editing in a text-image-sound form: the eTalks
Clivaz, C., Sankar, M., Pache, C.
Flexible Community-driven Metadata with the Component Metadata Infrastructure
Windhouwer, M., Goosen, T., Misutka, J., Van Uytvanck, D., Broeder, D.
Free FannyPacks: A Model for the Easy Digital Publication of Archival Periodical Material
McMullen, K.
Full Stack DH: Building a Virtual Research Environment on a Raspberry PI
Smithies, J.
GAMS and Cirilo: research data preservation and presentation
Bürgermeister, M. et al.
Git-Lit: an Application of Distributed Version Control Technology toward the Creation of 50,000 Digital Scholarly Editions
Reeve, J.
Implementation of a National Data Center for the Humanities (DaSCH)
Rosenthaler, L., Immenhauser, B., Fornaro, P.
Le Futur Du Livre Électronique En Accès Libre : L’exemple De La Collection "Parcours Numériques"
Eberle-Sinatra, M., Vitali-Rosati, M., Beauchef, H.
Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives
Schomaker, L. et al.
Minimal Computing: A Workshop
Sayers, J., Gil, A., Martin, K., Rosenblum, B., Chan, T.
New DH Publishing Models and Geopolitical Diversity
Galina Russell, I., Priani Saisó, E.
Rebuilding Digital Harlem for Sustainability and Change
Johnson, I., Osmakov, A.
Sustainable publishing - Standardization possibilities for Digital Scholarly Edition technology
Czmiel, A.
TEI Processing Model Toolbox: Power To The Editor
Meier, W., Turska, M.
The Southern Netherlands and the Infrastructure of Early Modern Globalisation (1500-1800)
Fuss, U., Pistor, C., Thomas, W., Esponda de la Campa, C., Behiels, L., Manrique Figueroa, C.
Thresholds: Valuing the Creative Process in Digital Publishing
Trettien, W., McDonald, F.
Toward A Use-Value Paradigm For The Sustainability Of Digital Research
Morselli, F., Edmond, J.
Towards an XML Corpora Exposition as LOD with the Lightweight Xquery-Based Framework SynopsX
Château-Dutier, E. et al.
Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib
Potvin, S. et al.
Visual Forms of Information Presentation and Their Place in Formal Digital Scientific Communication
Kamińska, A.
You Better Monetize! Monetization Strategies in Publishing and Disseminating Digital Scholarly ditions
Sichani, A., Kelly, A.
query languages
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
Etymology Meets Linked Data. A Case Study In Turkic
Chiarcos, C., Abromeit, F., Fäth, C., Ionov, M.
From Index Cards to a Digital Information System: Teaching Data Modeling to Master's Students in History
Beretta, F.
KARREK: Building and Annotating a Kafka/Reference Corpus
Herrmann, J., Lauer, G.
The Categories of Philosophy in the Digital Era
Durity, A., Vulcu, G., Bordea, G., O'Sullivan, J., Jones, J.
Towards an XML Corpora Exposition as LOD with the Lightweight Xquery-Based Framework SynopsX
Château-Dutier, E. et al.