folklore and oral history
Audiovisual Data And Digital Scholarship: Towards Multimodal Literacy
Kleppe, M., Stef, S., Clara, H., Johan, O.
Digital Folkloristics: the Use of Computational Methods in Revealing the Characteristics of Folkloric Communication
Sarv, M., Laineste, L., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Kallio, K., Järv, R.
Documenting the pain: Sharing Second World War survivors’ stories to help meaning making and lessons learning through curating trans-European digital narrative trajectories
Handschuh, S., Donig, S., Koumpis, A., Diamond, H.
Harvesting History: Democratizing The Past Through The Digitization Of Community History
Lester, C.
Indigenous digital humanities. Participatory geo-referenced-mapping and visualization for digital data management platforms in digital anthropology
Froemming, U.
Mapping Kipnis
Zarrow, S., King, H.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Music Information Retrieval Algorithms for Oral History Collections
Webb, S., Kiefer, C., Jackson, B., Eldridge, A., Baker, J.
The North Carolina Jukebox Project: Archives Alive and the Making of Digital Cultural Heritage
Szabo, V.
The digital breadcrumb trail of Brothers Grimm
Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Rotari, G., Pannach, F., Solhdoust, M., Büchler, M.
Visualizing Mouvance: Towards an Alignment of Medieval Vernacular Text Traditions
Jänicke, S., Wrisley, D.
Agréger le passé en ligne: Euchronie, le passé ici et maintenant!
Poublanc, S., Besson, R.
Automatisation Du Workflow Audiovisuel, Quel Impact Sur Le Spectateur ?
Delestage, C., Leleu-Merviel, S., Lamboux-Durand, A.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne
Chadier, C., Letricot, R., Beretta, F., Boschetto, S.
Du Texte Antique À La Publication Scientifique : Outils D’Analyse Numériques Des Contenus Et Ponts Conceptuels.
Lamé, M., Nouvel, B.
Déchiffrer Le Mythe De l’Amour
Eberle-Sinatra, M., Vitali-Rosati, M.
Dépasser La Liste : Quand La Bibliothèque Entre Dans La Danse Des Corpus Web
Pedroja, C., L'Hôte, A., Chapoy, E., Levain, E.
Interoperability: a new horizon for data sharing in Humanities and Social Sciences. The input of three digital services developed by Huma-Num
Baude, O., Joffres, A., Larrousse, N., Pouyllau, S.
Le Futur Du Livre Électronique En Accès Libre : L’exemple De La Collection "Parcours Numériques"
Eberle-Sinatra, M., Vitali-Rosati, M., Beauchef, H.
Méthodes computationnelles et analyse d'une langue de chancellerie : le logiciel d'analyse textuelle Machiato et la correspondance diplomatique et administrative de Machiavel
Manchio, C., Lasson, M.
Projet Odysseus, Outil d’Etudes Comparatives Du Traductologue
RICardo Project : Exploring 19th Century International Trade
Girard, P. et al.
À la Croisée des Discours Littéraire et Scientifique : La Comparaison comme Haute Figure Dialogique
Riguet, M., Mpouli, S.
Éditions Critiques Électroniques Et Structuration Du Contenu Sur Les Plateformes De Consultation Numériques : Normes Et Pratiques.
CASENAVE, J., Marcoux, Y.
french studies
A DH-Leavened Musicological Toolbox
Giannetti, F., Kijas, A.
Analyzing the 17th Century Theatre Critique Texts with a Semantic Annotation Tool Driven by a Dedicated Ontology
Mainardi, C., Jolivet, V., Sellami, Z.
Browsing, Sharing, Learning and Reviewing the Haine du théâtre Corpus through Insightful Island
Yang, B., Mainardi, C., Ganascia, J.
Collaborative Translation Using FromThePage
Morreale, L., Mundy, B., O'Donnell, T., Paul, N., Reilly, B., Brumfield, B.
Crossed Semantic Analysis of Literary Texts with DeSeRT
Ganascia, J., Mainardi, C.
Data-First Digital Humanities: How Adopting a Data-First Strategy Fosters Research, Collaboration, Pedagogy, and Scholarly Communication in the Digital Humanities
Hughes, T., Anderson, C.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
Oulipian Stylometry
Wolff, M.
Outliers or Key Profiles? Understanding Distance Measures for Authorship Attribution
Evert, S. et al.
Playing with French Drama: from Old Research Questions to New Research Tools
Galleron, I.
Projet Odysseus, Outil d’Etudes Comparatives Du Traductologue
REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, Linking and Visualisation of References in TEI Digital Editions
Frontini, F., Brando, C., Ganascia, J.
Straight Talk! Automatic Recognition of Direct Speech in Nineteenth-Century French Novels
Schöch, C., Schlör, D., Popp, S., Brunner, A., Henny, U., Calvo Tello, J.
Stylochronometry and the Periodization of Samuel Beckett’s Prose
van Hulle, D., Kestemont, M.
Tackling Terms In Furetiere’s 'Dictionnaire Universel'
Williams, G.
The Lifecycle of a Digital African Studies Projects: Creating Sustainable, Equitable, and Ethical Projects
Rehberger, D., Thiaw, I., Mack, D., Keller, C., Foley, C.
Visualizing Mouvance: Towards an Alignment of Medieval Vernacular Text Traditions
Jänicke, S., Wrisley, D.
games and meaningful play
Academic Pillow-Talk and Two Immersive Explorations of Linguistic Space
Hendery, R.
An Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Intergenerational Learning and Critical Connection
Gordon, T., Walters, L., Michlowitz, R.
An Iterative 3DGIS Analysis of the Role of Visibility in Ancient Landscapes
Richards-Rissetto, H.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Collecting Judgments on Artworks Through a Similarity Game
Moretti, G., Tonelli, S., Sprugnoli, R.
Notoriously Toxic: The Language and Cost of Hate in the Chat Systems of Online Games
Miller, B. et al.
Playable Books at Electronic Literature’s Interface
Bazarnik, K., Inman Berens, K., Fajfer, Z., Garfinkel, S.
Player-Driven Content: Analysing Textual Communications in Online Roleplay
O'Sullivan, J., Shade, M., Rowles, B.
Playing With Cultural Heritage Through Digital Gaming: The New Narrative of the ARK4 Project
Angeletaki, A., Benardou, A., Chatzidiakou, N., Papaki, E.
The Evolution of Virtual Harlem: Bringing the Jazz Age to Life
Carter, B.
The Garden: A 3D Adventure Puzzle Game Exploring Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights
Goins, E., Egert, C., Phelps, A.
Translating Electronic Literature. Multicultural, Multilingual and Cross-Platform Encounters
Górska-Olesińska, M., Pisarski, M.
gender studies
A DH-Leavened Musicological Toolbox
Giannetti, F., Kijas, A.
Creating Feminist Infrastructure in the Digital Humanities
Brown, S., Clement, T., Mandell, L., Verhoeven, D., Wernimont, J.
Mapping European Periodical Counterpublics: Building a Sustainable Collaborative Framework for European Periodical Studies
Schelstraete, J., Chambers, S., Van Remoortel, M.
Pulp Science Fiction's Legacy to Women in Science
Garbee, E.
Quality Matters: Diversity and the Digital Humanities in 2016
Earhart, A. et al.
The Dialogic Turn and the Performance of Gender: the English Canon 1782-2011
Muzny, G., Algee-Hewitt, M., Jurafsky, D.
Who’s Doing What?: Examining The Relationships Among Subjectivity, Agency, and Syntax In The 19th Century Novel
Cheng, J., Kirilloff, G.
genre-specific studies: prose, poetry, drama
Automatic quotation detection in Russian nonfiction texts
Tyshkevich, N.
Complex Networks-Based Approach to Russian Rhyme History Description: Linguostatistics and Database
Sozinova, O.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
Discursive Constructions Of Culture: A Semantic Model For Historical Travel Guides.
Czeitschner, U.
Exploring the Rules of Rhyme: Operationalizing Historical Poetics
Houston, N.
First We Feel Then We Fall - Multimedia Adaptation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Bazarnik, K., Wróblewski, J.
KARREK: Building and Annotating a Kafka/Reference Corpus
Herrmann, J., Lauer, G.
Playing with French Drama: from Old Research Questions to New Research Tools
Galleron, I.
Project Dialogism: Toward a Computational History of Vocal Diversity in English-Language Literature
Hammond, A., Brooke, J.
Representations Of Race: Mining Identity In American Fiction, 1789-1964
Algee-Hewitt, M., Porter, J., Walser, H.
Straight Talk! Automatic Recognition of Direct Speech in Nineteenth-Century French Novels
Schöch, C., Schlör, D., Popp, S., Brunner, A., Henny, U., Calvo Tello, J.
The Corpus of Revenge Tragedy (CoRT): Toward Interdisciplining Early Modern Digital Humanities and Genre Analysis
Farrar, D.
The Holy and the Godless - Cultural Stereotypes Featured in the Language of the Polish Medieval Hagiography. A Corpus-based Study.
Ledzińska, A.
The Preparation of the Topic Model
Buurma, R.
The Stanford Code Poetry Slam through Critical Code Studies
Kagen, M.
Who’s Doing What?: Examining The Relationships Among Subjectivity, Agency, and Syntax In The 19th Century Novel
Cheng, J., Kirilloff, G.
geospatial analysis, interfaces and technology
A Place for Places: Current Trends and Challenges in the Development and Use of Geo-Historical Gazetteers
Brando, C., Frontini, F.
An Iterative 3DGIS Analysis of the Role of Visibility in Ancient Landscapes
Richards-Rissetto, H.
Authorial {X}: A Research and Teaching Platform for Literary Geography
Grossner, K., Ligda, K.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Combining Corpora and Statistics using Geographical Technologies: New Evidence on Nineteenth Century Infant Mortality Decline in England and Wales
Atkinson, P., Gregory, I., Porter, C.
Compiling a Database on Historical China from Local Records: The Local Gazetteers Project at MPIWG
Chen, S., Hong, Z., Schäfer, D., Siebert, M., Urzúa, J.
Digging the Aboveground: Visual Archeology of an Asylum
Ozludil Altin, B., Wendell, A.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Erlebter Raum im Rom der späten Republik - eine digitale Forschungsumgebung
Scheuermann, L., Jantke, K., Scheuermann, W.
Exploring and Evaluating Cartographic (miss)Representation in a Sample of Web-based Geohumanities Projects
Jones, C.
Extraction and Visualization of Toponyms in Diachronic Text Corpora
Barbaresi, A., Biber, H.
Geocoding Thousands of Fiscal Records: Methodological Approach for a Study on Urban Retail Trade in the Belle Époque
Alves, D.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
Linked Ancient World Data: Relating the Past
Bodard, G. et al.
Mapping European Periodical Counterpublics: Building a Sustainable Collaborative Framework for European Periodical Studies
Schelstraete, J., Chambers, S., Van Remoortel, M.
Mapping Imagined and Experienced Places: An Exploration of the Geography of Willa Cather’s Writing
Rau, E., Kirilloff, G.
Mapping Languages Performance by Performance
Ritchie, S., Goodchild, S., Grzech, K.
Tilton, L., Arnold, T., Leonard, P.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Publishing Second World War History as Linked Data Events on the Semantic Web
Hyvönen, E. et al.
REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, Linking and Visualisation of References in TEI Digital Editions
Frontini, F., Brando, C., Ganascia, J.
Reconstruction of Labour Relations in the North Sea Region in the Late Middle Ages: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using Historical GIS, Taxation Sources, and Coin Finds
Stapel, R.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
The GeoHumanities Special Interest Group: Fostering and facilitating the geospatial turn
Weimer, K., Grossner, K.
The Ibn Darraj Project: SpatioTemporal Reasoning Engine Based on Evidence Combination *
Haqiqat khah, M., Nadjar Araabi, B.
Using Big Data Techniques For Searching Digital Archives: use cases in Digital Humanities
Delve, J., Schlarb, S., Schmidt, R., Healey, R.
Wired!: Collaborative Teaching & Critical Digital Making In An Art History Classroom
Jacobs, H.