maps and mapping
A Place for Places: Current Trends and Challenges in the Development and Use of Geo-Historical Gazetteers
Brando, C., Frontini, F.
Academic Pillow-Talk and Two Immersive Explorations of Linguistic Space
Hendery, R.
Access, Ownership, Protection: The Ethics of Digital Scholarship
Faull, K., Jakacki, D., O'Sullivan, J., Earhart, A., Kaufman, M.
An Iterative 3DGIS Analysis of the Role of Visibility in Ancient Landscapes
Richards-Rissetto, H.
Annotating and Georeferencing of Digitized Early Maps
Höhn, W., Schommer, C.
Authorial {X}: A Research and Teaching Platform for Literary Geography
Grossner, K., Ligda, K.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Collaborative Annotation and Exploration of Literary Works in Learning Contexts
Bolioli, A., Tasso, R.
Compiling a Database on Historical China from Local Records: The Local Gazetteers Project at MPIWG
Chen, S., Hong, Z., Schäfer, D., Siebert, M., Urzúa, J.
Contextualizing Historical Places in a Gazetteer by Using Historical Maps and Linked Data
Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Hyvönen, E.
Countering Counter Mapping Methods: Constructing A Humanities GIS Methodology In the Age of Electracy
Benjamin, C.
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne
Chadier, C., Letricot, R., Beretta, F., Boschetto, S.
Developing Local Digital Humanities Communities: The Atlanta Studies Network
Collins, B. et al.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Erlebter Raum im Rom der späten Republik - eine digitale Forschungsumgebung
Scheuermann, L., Jantke, K., Scheuermann, W.
Exploring and Evaluating Cartographic (miss)Representation in a Sample of Web-based Geohumanities Projects
Jones, C.
Geocoding Thousands of Fiscal Records: Methodological Approach for a Study on Urban Retail Trade in the Belle Époque
Alves, D.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
Linking Graph With Map For The Purpose Of Historical Research
Škvrňák, J., Mertel, A.
Mapping Imagined and Experienced Places: An Exploration of the Geography of Willa Cather’s Writing
Rau, E., Kirilloff, G.
Mapping Kipnis
Zarrow, S., King, H.
Mapping Languages Performance by Performance
Ritchie, S., Goodchild, S., Grzech, K.
Mapping Multilingual Responses To Famine And Dearth In The Early Modern Landscapes Of India And Britain
Tupman, C., Holding, R., Petrie, H., Stringer, G.
Modeling as Discourse: The case for 3D
Saldaña, M.
Tilton, L., Arnold, T., Leonard, P.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, Linking and Visualisation of References in TEI Digital Editions
Frontini, F., Brando, C., Ganascia, J.
Rebuilding Digital Harlem for Sustainability and Change
Johnson, I., Osmakov, A.
Reconstruction of Labour Relations in the North Sea Region in the Late Middle Ages: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using Historical GIS, Taxation Sources, and Coin Finds
Stapel, R.
Recovering Shared Heritage via Spectral Imaging: Problems, Solutions, Interpretations
Heyworth, G., Phelps, M., Wisnicki, A., Boydston, K., Easton, R., Van Duzer, C.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
The Corpus of Revenge Tragedy (CoRT): Toward Interdisciplining Early Modern Digital Humanities and Genre Analysis
Farrar, D.
The GeoHumanities Special Interest Group: Fostering and facilitating the geospatial turn
Weimer, K., Grossner, K.
The Ibn Darraj Project: SpatioTemporal Reasoning Engine Based on Evidence Combination *
Haqiqat khah, M., Nadjar Araabi, B.
The Online Archive "Forced Labor 1939-1945. Memory and History".
Tausendfreund, D.
Visual Network Analysis with Gephi Workshop
Jacomy, M., Grandjean, M., Girard, P.
Wired!: Collaborative Teaching & Critical Digital Making In An Art History Classroom
Jacobs, H.
media studies
1 Million Dutch Newspaper Images available for researchers: The KBK-1M Dataset
Kleppe, M., Desmond, E.
Addressing Torture in Iraq through Critical Digital Media Art—Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project
Rettberg, S., Coover, R.
Audiovisual Data And Digital Scholarship: Towards Multimodal Literacy
Kleppe, M., Stef, S., Clara, H., Johan, O.
Automatisation Du Workflow Audiovisuel, Quel Impact Sur Le Spectateur ?
Delestage, C., Leleu-Merviel, S., Lamboux-Durand, A.
Boutique Big Data: Reintegrating Close and Distant Reading of 19th-Century Newspapers
Beals, M.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Computers on Law and Order
Thompson, J.
Digital Palaeography: What is digital about it?
Ciula, A.
Early English Books in Context: Towards a History of the Technological Humanities
Powell, D.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
Live/Life Stories. The Uses Of Digital War Testimonies In Educational Contexts
hogervorst, s.
Minimal Computing: A Workshop
Sayers, J., Gil, A., Martin, K., Rosenblum, B., Chan, T.
Modeling as Discourse: The case for 3D
Saldaña, M.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Tilton, L., Arnold, T., Leonard, P.
Playable Books at Electronic Literature’s Interface
Bazarnik, K., Inman Berens, K., Fajfer, Z., Garfinkel, S.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Repairing William Playfair: Digital Fabrication, Design Theory, and the Long History of Data Visualization
Foster, C., Pramer, E., Klein, L.
SpotiBot-Turing testing Spotify
Snickars, P.
The Great War on the Web: the Making of Citing and Referencing by Amateurs
Beaudouin, V., Pehlivan, Z.
The Mutual Relationship of Linguistic and Non-linguistic Elements in Breaking Down the Hierarchy of Language in Digital Narrative
Sedaghat Payam, M.
The North Carolina Jukebox Project: Archives Alive and the Making of Digital Cultural Heritage
Szabo, V.
Tracking Online User Behaviour With A Multimethod Research Design
Kleppe, M., Marco, O.
Translating Electronic Literature. Multicultural, Multilingual and Cross-Platform Encounters
Górska-Olesińska, M., Pisarski, M.
Using Big Cultural Data To Understand Diversity And Reciprocity In The Global Flow Of Contemporary Cinema
Verhoeven, D., Coate, B., Arrowsmith, C., Palmer, S.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.
View Source: Reading the Hidden Texts of the Web
Thompson, J.
Web Communities Mapping With Hyphe
Jacomy, M., Girard, P., Ooghe-Tabanou, B.
Web Historiography - A New Challenge for Digital Humanities?
Nanni, F., Ben-David, A., Brügger, N., Dougherty, M., Milligan, I., Winters, J.
medieval studies
A Demonstration of Multispectral Imaging
Heyworth, G., Van Duzer, C., Boydston, K., Phelps, M., Easton, R.
A Management of Personal Name with Alternate Name and its Searching for Japanese Historical Study
Yamada, T., Inoue, S.
Abbreviations In Manuscripts – Systematization And Crowdsourcing By Ad Fontes
Hodel, T.
Authorship Attribution of Mediaeval German Text: Style and Contents in Apollonius von Tyrland
Schulz, S., Kuhn, J., Reiter, N.
Collaborative Translation Using FromThePage
Morreale, L., Mundy, B., O'Donnell, T., Paul, N., Reilly, B., Brumfield, B.
Comparing Digital Scholarly Editions
Smith, D., Lindeborg, S.
Critical Edition as Graph: The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa Online
Safaryan, A., Kaufmann, S., Andrews, T.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
Linking Graph With Map For The Purpose Of Historical Research
Škvrňák, J., Mertel, A.
Medialatinitas.eu. Towards Meaningful Integration and Retrieval of Resources for Medieval Latin
Nowak, K., Bon, B., Alexandre, R.
Méthodes computationnelles et analyse d'une langue de chancellerie : le logiciel d'analyse textuelle Machiato et la correspondance diplomatique et administrative de Machiavel
Manchio, C., Lasson, M.
Reconstruction of Labour Relations in the North Sea Region in the Late Middle Ages: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using Historical GIS, Taxation Sources, and Coin Finds
Stapel, R.
Recovering Shared Heritage via Spectral Imaging: Problems, Solutions, Interpretations
Heyworth, G., Phelps, M., Wisnicki, A., Boydston, K., Easton, R., Van Duzer, C.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
Textual Communities
Robinson, P., Bordalejo, B.
The Encoded Medieval Antiphoner: an Open Access Digital Source for Music and Liturgical Pedagogy and Scholarship
Kijas, A.
The Holy and the Godless - Cultural Stereotypes Featured in the Language of the Polish Medieval Hagiography. A Corpus-based Study.
Ledzińska, A.
The Latin of Matthew of Cracow (c. 1345 – 1410) – a corpus based study of his language and style
Marszałek, J.
The Models of Authority Project: Extending the DigiPal Framework for Script and Decoration
Stokes, P. et al.
Visualizing Mouvance: Towards an Alignment of Medieval Vernacular Text Traditions
Jänicke, S., Wrisley, D.
"A Model for International Cooperation: Emblematica Online and Linked Data in Research and Pedagogy"
Wade, M., Han, M., Stäcker, T.
"El Atambor de Plata Suena como Cascaveles de Turquesa". Reconstrucción de la Experiencia Sonora de la Colonización Europea (c. 1480-1650) a Través de un Glosario y un Tesauro Digital
Martínez Bermejo, S.
A Comparative Analysis of Bibliographic Ontologies: Implications for Digital Humanities
Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Jett, J., Cole, T., Maden, C., Page, K., Downie, J.
A Web-based Tool Called Gauntlet: From Iterative Design To Interactive Drawings Annotation
Dessart, G., Sankar, M., Chasapi, A., Bologna, G., Dandarova Robert, Z., Brandt, P.
APIs in Digital Humanities: The Infrastructural Turn
Tasovac, T. et al.
Biblissima - Following Medieval Manuscripts and Incunabula through their Existence via a Semantic Web Application
Gehrke, S.
CORE - A Contextual Reader based on Linked Data
Mäkelä, E., Lindquist, T., Hyvönen, E.
Cantus Network – a Semantically Enriched Digital Edition of Libri Ordinarii of the Salzburg Metropolitan Province
Steiner, C.
Constructing Evidence in the Photographic Archive: The Experience of Digital Humanists
Chassanoff, A.
Contextualizing Historical Places in a Gazetteer by Using Historical Maps and Linked Data
Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Hyvönen, E.
Creating A Management Plan For A Cultural Heritage Project - Best Practise
Koch, C.
Cross-Institutional Music Document Search
Hankinson, A., Krämer, R., Cumming, J., Fujinaga, I.
DH Poetry Modelling: a Quest for Philological and Technical Standardization
González-Blanco, E., Del Rio Riande, G., Martinez Cantón, C.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Development of a Support Tool for Categorizing Ukiyo-e’s Pictorial Themes: A System to Deal with Visual Features and Similarities
Saito, S., Suzuki, K.
Digital Archiving and Storytelling in the Classroom with Omeka and CurateScape
Szabo, V., Jacobs, H., Triplett, E.
Digital Data Sharing: Opportunities and Challenges of Opening Research
Harrower, N., Grant, R.
Digital Resources and Research Data in the Digital Humanities: The Digital Knowledge Store at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Jürgens, M., Grabsch, S.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Diplomatic History by Data
Jo, E.
EDM in Use: Collecting Metadata for a Regional Cultural Heritage Portal
Steiner, E.
Erlebter Raum im Rom der späten Republik - eine digitale Forschungsumgebung
Scheuermann, L., Jantke, K., Scheuermann, W.
Exploring Networks Of Confidentiality And Secrecy In Early Modern Transconfessional Correspondences
van Vugt, I.
Flexible Community-driven Metadata with the Component Metadata Infrastructure
Windhouwer, M., Goosen, T., Misutka, J., Van Uytvanck, D., Broeder, D.
From Handwritten Text to Structured Data: Alternatives to Editing Large Archival Series
Sluijter, R., Scherer, M., Derks, S., Nijenhuis, I., Ravenek, W., Hoekstra, R.
GAMS and Cirilo: research data preservation and presentation
Bürgermeister, M. et al.
Identifying the Same Ukiyo-e Prints from Databases in Dutch and Japanese
Kimura, T., Song, Y., Batjargal, B., Kimura, F., Maeda, A.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
KARREK: Building and Annotating a Kafka/Reference Corpus
Herrmann, J., Lauer, G.
Khepri - a Modular View-Based Tool for Exploring (Historical Sociolinguistic) Data
Mäkelä, E., Säily, T., Nevalainen, T.
Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Research by Thin Descriptions through Semantic Graphs. Experiments in Apparatus Design with Semantic CorA.
Schindler, C., Ell, B.
Making George Washington's Financial Documents Accessible: Transcription, Data, and the Drupal Solution
Stertzer, J., Cavanaugh, E.
Materiality and Metadata of Digitised Photographs: A Theoretical Inquiry
Das Gupta, V.
Metacanon.org: Digital Humanities and the Canon
Conroy, N.
Modelling Music Reception: An Ontology For Representing Interpretations of Richard Wagner's Leitmotifs
Rindfleisch, C.
Modelling Taxonomies of Text Reuse in the Deipnosophists of Athenaeus of Naucratis: Declarative Digital Scholarship
Berti, M., Daniels, M., Strickland, S., Vincent-Dobbins, K.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Tilton, L., Arnold, T., Leonard, P.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Publishing Second World War History as Linked Data Events on the Semantic Web
Hyvönen, E. et al.
Reconstructing Past Teaching
Verbeke, D., Alloing, S., Lannoy, L., Meirlaen, M., Vandermeulen, B., Neirinck, I.
Reflecting On And Refracting User Needs Through Case Studies In The Light Of Europeana Research
Benardou, A. et al.
Remediations of Polish Literary Bibliography: Towards a Lossless and Sustainable Retro-Conversion Model for Bibliographical Data
Maryl, M., Wciślik, P.
Significance Testing for the Classification of Literary Subgenres
Hettinger, L., Jannidis, F., Reger, I., Hotho, A.
Sustainable publishing - Standardization possibilities for Digital Scholarly Edition technology
Czmiel, A.
The Encoded Medieval Antiphoner: an Open Access Digital Source for Music and Liturgical Pedagogy and Scholarship
Kijas, A.
The School of Salamanca on the Semantic Web
Wagner, A., Caesar, I.
Toward A Use-Value Paradigm For The Sustainability Of Digital Research
Morselli, F., Edmond, J.
correspSearch - A Web Service to Connect Diverse Scholarly Editions of Letters
Dumont, S.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
mobile applications and mobile design
An Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Intergenerational Learning and Critical Connection
Gordon, T., Walters, L., Michlowitz, R.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Collaborative Annotation and Exploration of Literary Works in Learning Contexts
Bolioli, A., Tasso, R.
Digital Archiving and Storytelling in the Classroom with Omeka and CurateScape
Szabo, V., Jacobs, H., Triplett, E.
Diverse Digitalities: Targeted Models for Postcolonial Challenges in the Digital Discourse.
Menon, N., Gil, A., Gairola, R.
First We Feel Then We Fall - Multimedia Adaptation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Bazarnik, K., Wróblewski, J.
Minimal Computing: A Workshop
Sayers, J., Gil, A., Martin, K., Rosenblum, B., Chan, T.
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Books
Hashimoto, Y. et al.
Visualising Cultural Spheres – Virtual Tours and Epigraphical Data
Neovesky, A., Grüntgens, M.
multilingual / multicultural approaches
#dariahTeach: online teaching, MOOCs and beyond
Schreibman, S. et al.
A Demonstration of Multispectral Imaging
Heyworth, G., Van Duzer, C., Boydston, K., Phelps, M., Easton, R.
A Web-based Tool Called Gauntlet: From Iterative Design To Interactive Drawings Annotation
Dessart, G., Sankar, M., Chasapi, A., Bologna, G., Dandarova Robert, Z., Brandt, P.
An Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Intergenerational Learning and Critical Connection
Gordon, T., Walters, L., Michlowitz, R.
Boundary Land: Diversity as a defining feature of the Digital Humanities
O'Donnell, D., Bordalejo, B., Murray Ray, P., del Rio, G., González-Blanco, E.
Contextualizing Receptions of World Literature by Mining Multilingual Wikipedias
Miller, B. et al.
DH Poetry Modelling: a Quest for Philological and Technical Standardization
González-Blanco, E., Del Rio Riande, G., Martinez Cantón, C.
Digital Folkloristics: the Use of Computational Methods in Revealing the Characteristics of Folkloric Communication
Sarv, M., Laineste, L., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Kallio, K., Järv, R.
Diverse Digitalities: Targeted Models for Postcolonial Challenges in the Digital Discourse.
Menon, N., Gil, A., Gairola, R.
Exploring The History Of The Qur’an Digitally
Jocham, T., Marx, M., Pohl, O., Schnöpf, M.
Identifying the Same Ukiyo-e Prints from Databases in Dutch and Japanese
Kimura, T., Song, Y., Batjargal, B., Kimura, F., Maeda, A.
Implementing Canonical Text Services in the Croatiae Auctores Latini Digital Collection
Jovanović, N., Simrell, A.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Tilton, L., Arnold, T.
Mapping European Periodical Counterpublics: Building a Sustainable Collaborative Framework for European Periodical Studies
Schelstraete, J., Chambers, S., Van Remoortel, M.
Mapping Kipnis
Zarrow, S., King, H.
Mapping Languages Performance by Performance
Ritchie, S., Goodchild, S., Grzech, K.
New DH Publishing Models and Geopolitical Diversity
Galina Russell, I., Priani Saisó, E.
New Facets Of The Multimedia Annotation Tool ELAN
Sloetjes, H., Seibert, O.
Playable Books at Electronic Literature’s Interface
Bazarnik, K., Inman Berens, K., Fajfer, Z., Garfinkel, S.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Projet Odysseus, Outil d’Etudes Comparatives Du Traductologue
Recovering Shared Heritage via Spectral Imaging: Problems, Solutions, Interpretations
Heyworth, G., Phelps, M., Wisnicki, A., Boydston, K., Easton, R., Van Duzer, C.
Representación De Otras Literaturas Mexicanas En Medios Digitales
Miranda, E.
Researchers to your Driving Seats: Building a Graphical User Interface for Multilingual Topic-Modelling in R with Shiny
Koentges, T.
Stylometry on the Silver Screen: Authorial and Translatorial Signals in Film Dialogue
Hołobut, A., Rybicki, J., Woźniak, M.
The Digital Émigré: Russian Periodical Studies and DH in the Slavic Fields
Ermolaev, N., Gleissner, P.
Translating Electronic Literature. Multicultural, Multilingual and Cross-Platform Encounters
Górska-Olesińska, M., Pisarski, M.
Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib
Potvin, S. et al.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.