Die digitale Modellierung experimenteller Druckgrafiken des 15. Jahrhunderts. Anforderungen und Chancen computerbasierter Dokumentationsverfahren
Fornaro, P., Schmitt, L., Bianco, A., Feldmann, H.
Digitale Tools und Methoden für die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung praxisnah erklärt: Ein neues Format im Test.
Wissik, T., Resch, C.
Erlebter Raum im Rom der späten Republik - eine digitale Forschungsumgebung
Scheuermann, L., Jantke, K., Scheuermann, W.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
german studies
Comparison of Methods for the Identification of Main Characters in German Novels
Jannidis, F., Reger, I., Krug, M., Weimer, L., Macharowsky, L., Puppe, F.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
Discursive Constructions Of Culture: A Semantic Model For Historical Travel Guides.
Czeitschner, U.
Does Character Speech Matter? A Quantitative Approach
Bockwinkel, P.
Extraction and Visualization of Toponyms in Diachronic Text Corpora
Barbaresi, A., Biber, H.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
KARREK: Building and Annotating a Kafka/Reference Corpus
Herrmann, J., Lauer, G.
Measuring the Dynamics of Lexico-Semantic Change Since the German Romantic Period
Hellrich, J., Hahn, U.
Metaphor Mining in Historical German Novels: Using Unsupervised Learning to Uncover Conceptual Systems in Literature.
Pernes, S.
Outliers or Key Profiles? Understanding Distance Measures for Authorship Attribution
Evert, S. et al.
Significance Testing for the Classification of Literary Subgenres
Hettinger, L., Jannidis, F., Reger, I., Hotho, A.
Stefan George Digital: Exploring Typography In A Digital Scholarly Edition
Neuber, F.
The digital breadcrumb trail of Brothers Grimm
Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Rotari, G., Pannach, F., Solhdoust, M., Büchler, M.
Theatre Plays as 'Small Worlds'? Network Data on the History and Typology of German Drama, 1730–1930
Trilcke, P., Fischer, F., Göbel, M., Kampkaspar, D.
GLAM: galleries, libraries, archives, museums
1 Million Dutch Newspaper Images available for researchers: The KBK-1M Dataset
Kleppe, M., Desmond, E.
A Comparative Analysis of Bibliographic Ontologies: Implications for Digital Humanities
Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Jett, J., Cole, T., Maden, C., Page, K., Downie, J.
A DH-Leavened Musicological Toolbox
Giannetti, F., Kijas, A.
Audiovisual Data And Digital Scholarship: Towards Multimodal Literacy
Kleppe, M., Stef, S., Clara, H., Johan, O.
Biblissima - Following Medieval Manuscripts and Incunabula through their Existence via a Semantic Web Application
Gehrke, S.
Blacks In American Medicine Archive: Exploring Forgotten Stories
Higgins, E., Fendt, K., Cowls, J., Stuhl, A.
Building Capacity with Care: Graduate Students and DH work in the Library
Pike, A., Childress, D., Antonijević, S., McGrath, J., Gil, A., Collins, B.
CORE - A Contextual Reader based on Linked Data
Mäkelä, E., Lindquist, T., Hyvönen, E.
Collecting Judgments on Artworks Through a Similarity Game
Moretti, G., Tonelli, S., Sprugnoli, R.
Contextualizing Historical Places in a Gazetteer by Using Historical Maps and Linked Data
Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Hyvönen, E.
Cross-Institutional Music Document Search
Hankinson, A., Krämer, R., Cumming, J., Fujinaga, I.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Digital Archiving and Storytelling in the Classroom with Omeka and CurateScape
Szabo, V., Jacobs, H., Triplett, E.
Digital Data Sharing: Opportunities and Challenges of Opening Research
Harrower, N., Grant, R.
EDM in Use: Collecting Metadata for a Regional Cultural Heritage Portal
Steiner, E.
Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-Scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High Performance Computing, and transforming access to British Library Digital Collections
Terras, M. et al.
From Index Cards to a Digital Information System: Teaching Data Modeling to Master's Students in History
Beretta, F.
GLAMorous! Edizione Digitale Di Beni Culturali Con Contenuto Testuale, Multidisciplinarietà Ed Epigrafia Digitale.
Lamé, M.
Identifying the Same Ukiyo-e Prints from Databases in Dutch and Japanese
Kimura, T., Song, Y., Batjargal, B., Kimura, F., Maeda, A.
If Paintings were Plants: Measuring Genre Diversity in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting and Printmaking
Lincoln, M.
Introducing HistoGraph 2: Exploration of Cultural Heritage Documents Based on Co-Occurrence Graphs
Wieneke, L., Düring, M., Guido, D.
Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives
Schomaker, L. et al.
Performance, the Document, and the Digital: the Case of Lynn Hershman Leeson’s ‘Robertas’
Giannachi, G.
Playing With Cultural Heritage Through Digital Gaming: The New Narrative of the ARK4 Project
Angeletaki, A., Benardou, A., Chatzidiakou, N., Papaki, E.
Reflecting On And Refracting User Needs Through Case Studies In The Light Of Europeana Research
Benardou, A. et al.
Researchers to your Driving Seats: Building a Graphical User Interface for Multilingual Topic-Modelling in R with Shiny
Koentges, T.
SMTP: Stedelijk Museum Text Mining Project
Smeets, J., Scholtes, J., Rasterhoff, C., Schavemaker, M.
Scholarly Requirements for Large Scale Text Analysis: A User Needs Assessment by the HathiTrust Research Center
Green, H., Dickson, E., Bhattacharyya, S.
Scholarly Research Activities and Digital Tools: When NeMO met FLOSS
Benardou, A. et al.
The Digital Scholarship Training Programme at British Library: Concluding Report & Future Developments
McGregor, N., Ridge, M., Wisdom, S., Alencar-Brayner, A.
The Ibn Darraj Project: SpatioTemporal Reasoning Engine Based on Evidence Combination *
Haqiqat khah, M., Nadjar Araabi, B.
Toward A Use-Value Paradigm For The Sustainability Of Digital Research
Morselli, F., Edmond, J.
Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib
Potvin, S. et al.
Using Big Data Techniques For Searching Digital Archives: use cases in Digital Humanities
Delve, J., Schlarb, S., Schmidt, R., Healey, R.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.
historical studies
"El Atambor de Plata Suena como Cascaveles de Turquesa". Reconstrucción de la Experiencia Sonora de la Colonización Europea (c. 1480-1650) a Través de un Glosario y un Tesauro Digital
Martínez Bermejo, S.
#ww1. The Great War on Twitter
Clavert, F.
1 Million Dutch Newspaper Images available for researchers: The KBK-1M Dataset
Kleppe, M., Desmond, E.
A Demonstration of Multispectral Imaging
Heyworth, G., Van Duzer, C., Boydston, K., Phelps, M., Easton, R.
A Management of Personal Name with Alternate Name and its Searching for Japanese Historical Study
Yamada, T., Inoue, S.
Abbreviations In Manuscripts – Systematization And Crowdsourcing By Ad Fontes
Hodel, T.
Addressing Torture in Iraq through Critical Digital Media Art—Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project
Rettberg, S., Coover, R.
Agréger le passé en ligne: Euchronie, le passé ici et maintenant!
Poublanc, S., Besson, R.
An Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Intergenerational Learning and Critical Connection
Gordon, T., Walters, L., Michlowitz, R.
An Islamic Manuscript Database as a Network of Objects
Casties, R.
Archives Distant Reading: Mapping the Activity of the League of Nations’ Intellectual Cooperation
Grandjean, M.
Audiovisual Data And Digital Scholarship: Towards Multimodal Literacy
Kleppe, M., Stef, S., Clara, H., Johan, O.
Biographical Data Workshop: modeling, sharing and analyzing people’s lives
Fokkens, A. et al.
Blacks In American Medicine Archive: Exploring Forgotten Stories
Higgins, E., Fendt, K., Cowls, J., Stuhl, A.
Boutique Big Data: Reintegrating Close and Distant Reading of 19th-Century Newspapers
Beals, M.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Bringing Migration Data Into Context Using Digital Computational Methods
Haentjens Dekker, R., Hoekstra, R., van Faassen, M.
Chronological corpora: Challenges and opportunities of sequential analysis. The example of ChronoPress corpus of Polish
Pawłowski, A.
Combining Corpora and Statistics using Geographical Technologies: New Evidence on Nineteenth Century Infant Mortality Decline in England and Wales
Atkinson, P., Gregory, I., Porter, C.
Compiling a Database on Historical China from Local Records: The Local Gazetteers Project at MPIWG
Chen, S., Hong, Z., Schäfer, D., Siebert, M., Urzúa, J.
Concept Modeling the Advertising Chinese Modern Society
Barlow, T., Chen, J., Deng, K.
Corpus of Ioannes Dantiscus’ Texts and Correspondence dantiscus.al.uw.edu.pl
Skolimowska, A.
Critical Edition as Graph: The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa Online
Safaryan, A., Kaufmann, S., Andrews, T.
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne
Chadier, C., Letricot, R., Beretta, F., Boschetto, S.
Developing Local Digital Humanities Communities: The Atlanta Studies Network
Collins, B. et al.
Digging into ECCO: Identifying Commonplaces and other Forms of Text Reuse at Scale
Roe, G., Gladstone, C., Morrissey, R., Olsen, M.
Digging the Aboveground: Visual Archeology of an Asylum
Ozludil Altin, B., Wendell, A.
Digital Criticism Platform for Evidence-based Digital Humanities with Applications to Historical Studies of Silk Road
Kitamoto, A., Nishimura, Y.
Digital History “From Below”: a Call to Action
Shrout, A.
Digital Humanities Pedagogy as Digital Liberal Arts: A Framework for Curriculum Development
Locke, B.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Diplomatic History by Data
Jo, E.
Discursive Constructions Of Culture: A Semantic Model For Historical Travel Guides.
Czeitschner, U.
Etymology Meets Linked Data. A Case Study In Turkic
Chiarcos, C., Abromeit, F., Fäth, C., Ionov, M.
Evaluating Modal Use in News Corpus for Constructing Rhetorical Context of Historical Event
Liu, J., Lee, C., Ning, K.
Exploring Networks Of Confidentiality And Secrecy In Early Modern Transconfessional Correspondences
van Vugt, I.
Exploring and Discovering Archive-It Collections with Warcbase
Milligan, I., Lin, J., Wiebe, J., Zhou, A.
From Handwritten Text to Structured Data: Alternatives to Editing Large Archival Series
Sluijter, R., Scherer, M., Derks, S., Nijenhuis, I., Ravenek, W., Hoekstra, R.
From Index Cards to a Digital Information System: Teaching Data Modeling to Master's Students in History
Beretta, F.
From Keyword Search To Discourse Mining - The Meaning Of Scientific Management In Dutch Vocabulary, 1900-1940
Huijnen, P., Lonij, J.
Geocoding Thousands of Fiscal Records: Methodological Approach for a Study on Urban Retail Trade in the Belle Époque
Alves, D.
Harvesting History: Democratizing The Past Through The Digitization Of Community History
Lester, C.
ITAF: Rewiring the Italian ‘Nation’ of the Army of Flanders (1567-1714)
Arfaioli, M.
Identity Lenses in Analyzing Evolving Social Structures
Hott, J., Martin, W., Flake, K.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
Introducing HistoGraph 2: Exploration of Cultural Heritage Documents Based on Co-Occurrence Graphs
Wieneke, L., Düring, M., Guido, D.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Tilton, L., Arnold, T.
Invisible Cities In Literature And History: Interfaces To Scalable Readings Of Textual And Visual Representations Of The Imaginary
Heuvel, C., Armaselu, F.
Linguistic DNA: Modelling Concepts and Semantic Change in English, 1500-1800
Fitzmaurice, S. et al.
Linguistic Variation In The Hebrew Bible: Digging Deeper Than The Word Level
Naaijer, M., Roorda, D.
Linked Ancient World Data: Relating the Past
Bodard, G. et al.
Linking Graph With Map For The Purpose Of Historical Research
Škvrňák, J., Mertel, A.
Live/Life Stories. The Uses Of Digital War Testimonies In Educational Contexts
hogervorst, s.
MEDEA (Modeling Semantically Enriched Digital Editions of Accounts)
Tomasek, K., Vogeler, G., Pindl, K., Anderson, C., Orlowska, A., Eide, O.
Making George Washington's Financial Documents Accessible: Transcription, Data, and the Drupal Solution
Stertzer, J., Cavanaugh, E.
Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives
Schomaker, L. et al.
Mapping Imagined and Experienced Places: An Exploration of the Geography of Willa Cather’s Writing
Rau, E., Kirilloff, G.
Mapping Kipnis
Zarrow, S., King, H.
Modeling as Discourse: The case for 3D
Saldaña, M.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Méthodes computationnelles et analyse d'une langue de chancellerie : le logiciel d'analyse textuelle Machiato et la correspondance diplomatique et administrative de Machiavel
Manchio, C., Lasson, M.
Notes from the Transcription Desk: Modes of engagement between the community and the resource of the Letters of 1916
Das Gupta, V., Rooney, N., Schreibman, S.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Prototypes as Thinking through Making. Decision Points and Evaluation in Prototyping a Visualisation Framework for Historical Documents
Armaselu, F., Rosselli Del Turco, R., Jones, C., Wieneke, L., Alzetta, C., Di Pietro, C.
RICardo Project : Exploring 19th Century International Trade
Girard, P. et al.
Rebuilding Digital Harlem for Sustainability and Change
Johnson, I., Osmakov, A.
Reconstructing Past Teaching
Verbeke, D., Alloing, S., Lannoy, L., Meirlaen, M., Vandermeulen, B., Neirinck, I.
Reconstruction of Labour Relations in the North Sea Region in the Late Middle Ages: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using Historical GIS, Taxation Sources, and Coin Finds
Stapel, R.
Regional Classification of Traditional Japanese Folk Songs from the Chugoku District
Kawase, A.
Repairing William Playfair: Digital Fabrication, Design Theory, and the Long History of Data Visualization
Foster, C., Pramer, E., Klein, L.
SMTP: Stedelijk Museum Text Mining Project
Smeets, J., Scholtes, J., Rasterhoff, C., Schavemaker, M.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
Taking VIVO into the Past: Adapting the VIVO Researcher Profile System to Historical Persons
Lindquist, T., Viggio, A.
Textual Communities
Robinson, P., Bordalejo, B.
The Computer Graphic Simulation of the Battle at Mount Street Bridge. Problems, Perspectives, and Challenges
Schreibman, S., Buckley, J., Hughes, B., Papadopoulos, C.
The First World War in Perm Provincial Periodicals
Kornienko, S., Gagarina, D.
The Formation of Australia’s Economic History Community, 1950 – 1970: A Multidimensional Network Analysis
Wright, C.
The Ibn Darraj Project: SpatioTemporal Reasoning Engine Based on Evidence Combination *
Haqiqat khah, M., Nadjar Araabi, B.
The Manuscripts of David Livingstone and New Frontiers for Spectral Imaging
Wisnicki, A., Kumari, A.
The Models of Authority Project: Extending the DigiPal Framework for Script and Decoration
Stokes, P. et al.
The North Carolina Jukebox Project: Archives Alive and the Making of Digital Cultural Heritage
Szabo, V.
The Online Archive "Forced Labor 1939-1945. Memory and History".
Tausendfreund, D.
The School of Salamanca on the Semantic Web
Wagner, A., Caesar, I.
The Southern Netherlands and the Infrastructure of Early Modern Globalisation (1500-1800)
Fuss, U., Pistor, C., Thomas, W., Esponda de la Campa, C., Behiels, L., Manrique Figueroa, C.
The digital breadcrumb trail of Brothers Grimm
Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Rotari, G., Pannach, F., Solhdoust, M., Büchler, M.
The journal _al-Muqtabas_ between _Shamela.ws_, HathiTrust, and GitHub: producing open, collaborative, and fully-referencable digital editions of early Arabic periodicals---with almost no funds.
Grallert, T.
The symogih.org Project: Towards an International Consortium
Beretta, F., Alamercery, V., Ferhod, D.
The »Hidden Kosmos« of scientific instruments in Alexander von Humboldt's »Vorlesungen über physikalische Geographie« – or: What on earth is an »Ariometer«?
Hug, M., Thomas, C.
Topical Diversification Over Time In The Royal Society Corpus
Fankhauser, P., Knappen, J., Teich, E.
Towards a Cross-generation Social Network for Jewish Sages
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M., Prebor, G., Feigenboim, A.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.
Web Historiography - A New Challenge for Digital Humanities?
Nanni, F., Ben-David, A., Brügger, N., Dougherty, M., Milligan, I., Winters, J.
When Traditional Ontologies are not Enough: Modelling and Visualizing Dynamic Ontologies in Semantic-Based Access to Texts
Piccini, S. et al.
Wired!: Collaborative Teaching & Critical Digital Making In An Art History Classroom
Jacobs, H.
Work In A Globalised World. Allocation Algorithm To Add Labour Relations To Digitised Census Data
Zijdeman, R., Stapel, R.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
“Digital” in practice: survey of Russian historians' research practices
Volodin, A.
history of Humanities Computing/Digital Humanities
Biographical Data Workshop: modeling, sharing and analyzing people’s lives
Fokkens, A. et al.
Boundary Land: Diversity as a defining feature of the Digital Humanities
O'Donnell, D., Bordalejo, B., Murray Ray, P., del Rio, G., González-Blanco, E.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Challenges in Setting up a Digital Humanities Centre in Romania
Moldovan, C.
Data Praxis in the Digital Humanities: Use, Production, Access
Padilla, T., Higgins, D.
Digicraft and 'Systemic' Thinking in Digital Humanities
Salvatori, E.
Digital History “From Below”: a Call to Action
Shrout, A.
Digital Palaeography: What is digital about it?
Ciula, A.
Early English Books in Context: Towards a History of the Technological Humanities
Powell, D.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Oulipian Stylometry
Wolff, M.
Regional Digital Humanities Consortia: An Emerging Formalization of Informal Network Ties?
Theibault, J.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
“Digital” in practice: survey of Russian historians' research practices
Volodin, A.
Addressing Torture in Iraq through Critical Digital Media Art—Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project
Rettberg, S., Coover, R.
Automatic quotation detection in Russian nonfiction texts
Tyshkevich, N.
Digital Annotation Tooling for Opera Performance Studies
Page, K., Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Rindfleisch, C., Weigl, D.
Exploring The History Of The Qur’an Digitally
Jocham, T., Marx, M., Pohl, O., Schnöpf, M.
First We Feel Then We Fall - Multimedia Adaptation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Bazarnik, K., Wróblewski, J.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Playable Books at Electronic Literature’s Interface
Bazarnik, K., Inman Berens, K., Fajfer, Z., Garfinkel, S.
Ruthenian Metrica : technological aspects of the electronic publication
Svyatets, Y.
The Great War on the Web: the Making of Citing and Referencing by Amateurs
Beaudouin, V., Pehlivan, Z.
The Mutual Relationship of Linguistic and Non-linguistic Elements in Breaking Down the Hierarchy of Language in Digital Narrative
Sedaghat Payam, M.
View Source: Reading the Hidden Texts of the Web
Thompson, J.
Web Communities Mapping With Hyphe
Jacomy, M., Girard, P., Ooghe-Tabanou, B.
Wikidition: Towards A Multi-layer Network Model of Intertextuality
Mehler, A., Wagner, B., Gleim, R.
Writing Composition in the Close Reading Cycle: Developing The Annotation Studio Idea Space
Fendt, K., Lane, S., Stuhl, A.
image processing
A Demonstration of Multispectral Imaging
Heyworth, G., Van Duzer, C., Boydston, K., Phelps, M., Easton, R.
Ancient Maya Writings as High-Dimensional Data: a Visualization Approach
Can, G., Odobez, J., Pallan Gayol, C., Gatica-Perez, D.
Annotating and Georeferencing of Digitized Early Maps
Höhn, W., Schommer, C.
Assessing a Shape Descriptor for Analysis of Mesoamerican Hieroglyphics: A View Towards Practice in Digital Humanities
Hu, R., Odobez, J., Gatica-Perez, D.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Comparing Architectural Floor Plans: New Strategies
Alkhoven, P., Stenvert, R., Elpers, S.
Corpus Analyses of Multimodal Narrative: The Example of Graphic Novels
Dunst, A., Hartel, R., Hohenstein, S., Laubrock, J.
Cross-Institutional Music Document Search
Hankinson, A., Krämer, R., Cumming, J., Fujinaga, I.
DIVAServices-Spotlight – Experimenting with Document Image Analysis Methods in the Web
Würsch, M., Bärtschi, M., Ingold, R., Liwicki, M.
Die digitale Modellierung experimenteller Druckgrafiken des 15. Jahrhunderts. Anforderungen und Chancen computerbasierter Dokumentationsverfahren
Fornaro, P., Schmitt, L., Bianco, A., Feldmann, H.
Documenting Material Culture: 3D Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry and Archaeological Ceramics from Lincoln Pottery Works
Athanassopoulos, E., Pattee, A.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives
Schomaker, L. et al.
Recovering Shared Heritage via Spectral Imaging: Problems, Solutions, Interpretations
Heyworth, G., Phelps, M., Wisnicki, A., Boydston, K., Easton, R., Van Duzer, C.
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) for Cultural Heritage Artefacts
Papadopoulos, K.
The Encoded Medieval Antiphoner: an Open Access Digital Source for Music and Liturgical Pedagogy and Scholarship
Kijas, A.
The Lifecycle of a Digital African Studies Projects: Creating Sustainable, Equitable, and Ethical Projects
Rehberger, D., Thiaw, I., Mack, D., Keller, C., Foley, C.
The Manuscripts of David Livingstone and New Frontiers for Spectral Imaging
Wisnicki, A., Kumari, A.
Visual Patterns Discovery in Large Databases of Paintings
di Lenardo, I., Seguin, B., Kaplan, F.