corpora and corpus activities
Adding Flexibility to Large-Scale Text Visualization with HathiTrust+Bookworm
Organisciak, P. et al.
Authorial {X}: A Research and Teaching Platform for Literary Geography
Grossner, K., Ligda, K.
Big Data and the Study of Allusion: an Exploration of Tesserae's Multitext Capability
Gawley, J., Diddams, A.
Big Data: Complex Systems and Text Analysis
Kretzschmar, W., Burkette, A., Hettel, J.
Boutique Big Data: Reintegrating Close and Distant Reading of 19th-Century Newspapers
Beals, M.
Chronological corpora: Challenges and opportunities of sequential analysis. The example of ChronoPress corpus of Polish
Pawłowski, A.
Collaborative Annotation and Exploration of Literary Works in Learning Contexts
Bolioli, A., Tasso, R.
Combining Corpora and Statistics using Geographical Technologies: New Evidence on Nineteenth Century Infant Mortality Decline in England and Wales
Atkinson, P., Gregory, I., Porter, C.
Complex Networks-Based Approach to Russian Rhyme History Description: Linguostatistics and Database
Sozinova, O.
Corpus Analyses of Multimodal Narrative: The Example of Graphic Novels
Dunst, A., Hartel, R., Hohenstein, S., Laubrock, J.
Corpus of Ioannes Dantiscus’ Texts and Correspondence dantiscus.al.uw.edu.pl
Skolimowska, A.
Crossed Semantic Analysis of Literary Texts with DeSeRT
Ganascia, J., Mainardi, C.
Curating Just-In-Time Datasets from the Web
Suomela, T., Rockwell, G., Chartier, R.
Data Praxis in the Digital Humanities: Use, Production, Access
Padilla, T., Higgins, D.
Data mining digital libraries
Johnsen, L., Birkenes, M., Lindstad, A.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne
Chadier, C., Letricot, R., Beretta, F., Boschetto, S.
Digital Folkloristics: the Use of Computational Methods in Revealing the Characteristics of Folkloric Communication
Sarv, M., Laineste, L., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Kallio, K., Järv, R.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Does Character Speech Matter? A Quantitative Approach
Bockwinkel, P.
Du Texte Antique À La Publication Scientifique : Outils D’Analyse Numériques Des Contenus Et Ponts Conceptuels.
Lamé, M., Nouvel, B.
Dépasser La Liste : Quand La Bibliothèque Entre Dans La Danse Des Corpus Web
Pedroja, C., L'Hôte, A., Chapoy, E., Levain, E.
Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-Scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High Performance Computing, and transforming access to British Library Digital Collections
Terras, M. et al.
Evaluating Modal Use in News Corpus for Constructing Rhetorical Context of Historical Event
Liu, J., Lee, C., Ning, K.
Exploring The History Of The Qur’an Digitally
Jocham, T., Marx, M., Pohl, O., Schnöpf, M.
Extraction and Visualization of Toponyms in Diachronic Text Corpora
Barbaresi, A., Biber, H.
Faraway, So Close!: Reading Adeline Mowbray Closely Using Topic Modelling
Falk, M.
From Keyword Search To Discourse Mining - The Meaning Of Scientific Management In Dutch Vocabulary, 1900-1940
Huijnen, P., Lonij, J.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Git-Lit: an Application of Distributed Version Control Technology toward the Creation of 50,000 Digital Scholarly Editions
Reeve, J.
If You Build It Will They Come? Digital Infrastructure And Disciplinary Practice In Language Documentation
Musgrave, S., Thieberger, N.
Interoperability: a new horizon for data sharing in Humanities and Social Sciences. The input of three digital services developed by Huma-Num
Baude, O., Joffres, A., Larrousse, N., Pouyllau, S.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Tilton, L., Arnold, T.
KARREK: Building and Annotating a Kafka/Reference Corpus
Herrmann, J., Lauer, G.
Khepri - a Modular View-Based Tool for Exploring (Historical Sociolinguistic) Data
Mäkelä, E., Säily, T., Nevalainen, T.
Language Attitudes of Twitter Users Toward New York City English
LaFave, N.
Linguistic DNA: Modelling Concepts and Semantic Change in English, 1500-1800
Fitzmaurice, S. et al.
Linguistic Variation In The Hebrew Bible: Digging Deeper Than The Word Level
Naaijer, M., Roorda, D.
Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Research by Thin Descriptions through Semantic Graphs. Experiments in Apparatus Design with Semantic CorA.
Schindler, C., Ell, B.
Mapping the Bentham Corpus
Tieberghien, E., Ruiz Fabo, P., Mélanie-Bécquet, F., Poibeau, T., Causer, T., Terras, M.
Metacanon.org: Digital Humanities and the Canon
Conroy, N.
Metaphor Mining in Historical German Novels: Using Unsupervised Learning to Uncover Conceptual Systems in Literature.
Pernes, S.
New Facets Of The Multimedia Annotation Tool ELAN
Sloetjes, H., Seibert, O.
Oulipian Stylometry
Wolff, M.
Project Dialogism: Toward a Computational History of Vocal Diversity in English-Language Literature
Hammond, A., Brooke, J.
Projet Odysseus, Outil d’Etudes Comparatives Du Traductologue
Pulp Science Fiction's Legacy to Women in Science
Garbee, E.
Quantitative Analyses of Chinese Poetry of Tang and Song Dynasties: Using Changing Colors and Innovative Terms as Examples
Liu, C.
Representations Of Race: Mining Identity In American Fiction, 1789-1964
Algee-Hewitt, M., Porter, J., Walser, H.
Researchers to your Driving Seats: Building a Graphical User Interface for Multilingual Topic-Modelling in R with Shiny
Koentges, T.
Studying Linguistic Changes on 200 Years of Newspapers
Buntinx, V., Bornet, C., Kaplan, F.
The Categories of Philosophy in the Digital Era
Durity, A., Vulcu, G., Bordea, G., O'Sullivan, J., Jones, J.
The Corpus of Revenge Tragedy (CoRT): Toward Interdisciplining Early Modern Digital Humanities and Genre Analysis
Farrar, D.
The Holy and the Godless - Cultural Stereotypes Featured in the Language of the Polish Medieval Hagiography. A Corpus-based Study.
Ledzińska, A.
The Latin Batrachomyomachia Collection
Sostaric, P., Jovcic, S.
The Latin of Matthew of Cracow (c. 1345 – 1410) – a corpus based study of his language and style
Marszałek, J.
The Royal Society Corpus: Towards a high-quality corpus for studying diachronic variation in scientific writing
Kermes, H., Degaetano-Ortlieb, S., Khamis, A., Knappen, J., Teich, E.
The digital breadcrumb trail of Brothers Grimm
Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Rotari, G., Pannach, F., Solhdoust, M., Büchler, M.
The symogih.org Project: Towards an International Consortium
Beretta, F., Alamercery, V., Ferhod, D.
The »Hidden Kosmos« of scientific instruments in Alexander von Humboldt's »Vorlesungen über physikalische Geographie« – or: What on earth is an »Ariometer«?
Hug, M., Thomas, C.
Theatre Plays as 'Small Worlds'? Network Data on the History and Typology of German Drama, 1730–1930
Trilcke, P., Fischer, F., Göbel, M., Kampkaspar, D.
Topical Diversification Over Time In The Royal Society Corpus
Fankhauser, P., Knappen, J., Teich, E.
Two Centuries of Russian Roads – Diachronic Study of Polysemy in the Context of Cultural Change
Bonch-Osmolovskaya, A.
UpCASE – A Web Application for Building and Maintaining Language Resources
Neuefeind, C., Mondaca, F., Atanassov, M.
View Source: Reading the Hidden Texts of the Web
Thompson, J.
Web Communities Mapping With Hyphe
Jacomy, M., Girard, P., Ooghe-Tabanou, B.
What's in a Topic Model
Ciotti, F.
Wikidition: Towards A Multi-layer Network Model of Intertextuality
Mehler, A., Wagner, B., Gleim, R.
eComparatio - Editionsvergleich
Schubert, C., Meins, F., Bräckel, O., Kahl, H.
À la Croisée des Discours Littéraire et Scientifique : La Comparaison comme Haute Figure Dialogique
Riguet, M., Mpouli, S.
creative and performing arts, including writing
A DH-Leavened Musicological Toolbox
Giannetti, F., Kijas, A.
Arduino Circuits and Javanese Puppets: ‘Re-materializing’ Digital Archives through Tangible Interfaces
Escobar Varela, M.
Computers on Law and Order
Thompson, J.
Digital Annotation Tooling for Opera Performance Studies
Page, K., Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Rindfleisch, C., Weigl, D.
First We Feel Then We Fall - Multimedia Adaptation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Bazarnik, K., Wróblewski, J.
How IBM Watson Can Help Us Understand Character in Shakespeare: A Cognitive Computing Approach to the Plays.
Egloff, M., Picca, D., Curran, K.
Modeling as Discourse: The case for 3D
Saldaña, M.
Playable Books at Electronic Literature’s Interface
Bazarnik, K., Inman Berens, K., Fajfer, Z., Garfinkel, S.
Schrifttanz: Written Dance/Movement Poems
Wiesner, S., Cuykendall, S., Soutar-Rau, E., Stalnaker, R., Schiphorst, T., Bradley, K.
The Encoded Medieval Antiphoner: an Open Access Digital Source for Music and Liturgical Pedagogy and Scholarship
Kijas, A.
The Stanford Code Poetry Slam through Critical Code Studies
Kagen, M.
Thresholds: Valuing the Creative Process in Digital Publishing
Trettien, W., McDonald, F.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.
Writing Composition in the Close Reading Cycle: Developing The Annotation Studio Idea Space
Fendt, K., Lane, S., Stuhl, A.
Abbreviations In Manuscripts – Systematization And Crowdsourcing By Ad Fontes
Hodel, T.
Adding Semantics To Comics Using A Crowdsourcing Approach
Tufis, M.
Challenges in Setting up a Digital Humanities Centre in Romania
Moldovan, C.
Collecting Judgments on Artworks Through a Similarity Game
Moretti, G., Tonelli, S., Sprugnoli, R.
Contextualizing Historical Places in a Gazetteer by Using Historical Maps and Linked Data
Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Hyvönen, E.
Developing Local Digital Humanities Communities: The Atlanta Studies Network
Collins, B. et al.
From Ashes to Ashé: Digital Disaster Archives as Memorials
Carlton, P.
From Order to Order Switch. Mediating between Complexity and Reproducibility in the Context of Automated Literary Annotation
Thomas, B., Gius, E., Jacke, J., Strötgen, J.
Git-Lit: an Application of Distributed Version Control Technology toward the Creation of 50,000 Digital Scholarly Editions
Reeve, J.
Introducing HistoGraph 2: Exploration of Cultural Heritage Documents Based on Co-Occurrence Graphs
Wieneke, L., Düring, M., Guido, D.
Mapping European Periodical Counterpublics: Building a Sustainable Collaborative Framework for European Periodical Studies
Schelstraete, J., Chambers, S., Van Remoortel, M.
Mapping Kipnis
Zarrow, S., King, H.
Mapping Languages Performance by Performance
Ritchie, S., Goodchild, S., Grzech, K.
Notes from the Transcription Desk: Modes of engagement between the community and the resource of the Letters of 1916
Das Gupta, V., Rooney, N., Schreibman, S.
Ruthenian Metrica : technological aspects of the electronic publication
Svyatets, Y.
Textual Communities
Robinson, P., Bordalejo, B.
The journal _al-Muqtabas_ between _Shamela.ws_, HathiTrust, and GitHub: producing open, collaborative, and fully-referencable digital editions of early Arabic periodicals---with almost no funds.
Grallert, T.
Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib
Potvin, S. et al.
cultural infrastructure
Abbreviations In Manuscripts – Systematization And Crowdsourcing By Ad Fontes
Hodel, T.
Are the Digital Humanists Prepared for Open Access to Research Data ?
Casarosa, V., Ross, S., Tammaro, A.
Beyond Digital Humanities? Furthering the Exploration of Language Diversity and Pan-European Culture by Means of Transdisciplinary Research Infrastructures: Introducing the new DARIAH CC Science Gateway
Wandl-Vogt, E. et al.
Biblissima - Following Medieval Manuscripts and Incunabula through their Existence via a Semantic Web Application
Gehrke, S.
Boundary Land: Diversity as a defining feature of the Digital Humanities
O'Donnell, D., Bordalejo, B., Murray Ray, P., del Rio, G., González-Blanco, E.
Challenges in Setting up a Digital Humanities Centre in Romania
Moldovan, C.
Comparing Digital Scholarly Editions
Smith, D., Lindeborg, S.
Computers on Law and Order
Thompson, J.
Conjuring up the Artist from the Archives: Ivar Arosenius. Digitization and Coordination of Archives for Enhanced Accessibility and Research
Malm, M., Westin, J., Lindhé, C., Lundin, S., Claésson, D.
Creating Feminist Infrastructure in the Digital Humanities
Brown, S., Clement, T., Mandell, L., Verhoeven, D., Wernimont, J.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Developing Competencies in Digital Scholarship Among Humanities Scholars
Antonijevic Ubois, S.
Developing Local Digital Humanities Communities: The Atlanta Studies Network
Collins, B. et al.
Digital Data Sharing: Opportunities and Challenges of Opening Research
Harrower, N., Grant, R.
Documenting the pain: Sharing Second World War survivors’ stories to help meaning making and lessons learning through curating trans-European digital narrative trajectories
Handschuh, S., Donig, S., Koumpis, A., Diamond, H.
EDM in Use: Collecting Metadata for a Regional Cultural Heritage Portal
Steiner, E.
El Uso de las Tecnologías Digitales para la Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural en México
Miranda Trigueros, E., Priani Saisó, E., Galina Russell, I.
Evaluating GitHub as a Platform of Knowledge for the Humanities
Spiro, L.
Full Stack DH: Building a Virtual Research Environment on a Raspberry PI
Smithies, J.
Minimal Computing: A Workshop
Sayers, J., Gil, A., Martin, K., Rosenblum, B., Chan, T.
Mnemosyne: A Smartlibrary for Rare and Forgotten Texts
Romero-López, D., Bueren-Gómez-Acebo, J.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Playing With Cultural Heritage Through Digital Gaming: The New Narrative of the ARK4 Project
Angeletaki, A., Benardou, A., Chatzidiakou, N., Papaki, E.
Printing in a Periphery: a Quantitative Study of Finnish Knowledge Production, 1640-1828
Tolonen, M., Ilomäki, N., Roivainen, H., Lahti, L.
Reconstructing Past Teaching
Verbeke, D., Alloing, S., Lannoy, L., Meirlaen, M., Vandermeulen, B., Neirinck, I.
Reflecting On And Refracting User Needs Through Case Studies In The Light Of Europeana Research
Benardou, A. et al.
Regional Digital Humanities Consortia: An Emerging Formalization of Informal Network Ties?
Theibault, J.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
Taalportaal: A New Tool For Linguistic Research
van der Wouden, T.
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Books
Hashimoto, Y. et al.
The Lifecycle of a Digital African Studies Projects: Creating Sustainable, Equitable, and Ethical Projects
Rehberger, D., Thiaw, I., Mack, D., Keller, C., Foley, C.
The Southern Netherlands and the Infrastructure of Early Modern Globalisation (1500-1800)
Fuss, U., Pistor, C., Thomas, W., Esponda de la Campa, C., Behiels, L., Manrique Figueroa, C.
Translation Hack-a-thon!: Applying the Translation Toolkit to a Global dh+lib
Potvin, S. et al.
Using Big Data Techniques For Searching Digital Archives: use cases in Digital Humanities
Delve, J., Schlarb, S., Schmidt, R., Healey, R.
View Source: Reading the Hidden Texts of the Web
Thompson, J.
cultural studies
A Web-based Tool Called Gauntlet: From Iterative Design To Interactive Drawings Annotation
Dessart, G., Sankar, M., Chasapi, A., Bologna, G., Dandarova Robert, Z., Brandt, P.
Assessing a Shape Descriptor for Analysis of Mesoamerican Hieroglyphics: A View Towards Practice in Digital Humanities
Hu, R., Odobez, J., Gatica-Perez, D.
Audiovisual Data And Digital Scholarship: Towards Multimodal Literacy
Kleppe, M., Stef, S., Clara, H., Johan, O.
Boundary Land: Diversity as a defining feature of the Digital Humanities
O'Donnell, D., Bordalejo, B., Murray Ray, P., del Rio, G., González-Blanco, E.
Bringing Migration Data Into Context Using Digital Computational Methods
Haentjens Dekker, R., Hoekstra, R., van Faassen, M.
Computation-Aided Analysis on Film Credits
Yang, L., Xu, W.
Conjuring up the Artist from the Archives: Ivar Arosenius. Digitization and Coordination of Archives for Enhanced Accessibility and Research
Malm, M., Westin, J., Lindhé, C., Lundin, S., Claésson, D.
Contextualizing Receptions of World Literature by Mining Multilingual Wikipedias
Miller, B. et al.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne
Chadier, C., Letricot, R., Beretta, F., Boschetto, S.
Digital Folkloristics: the Use of Computational Methods in Revealing the Characteristics of Folkloric Communication
Sarv, M., Laineste, L., Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Kallio, K., Järv, R.
Digital History “From Below”: a Call to Action
Shrout, A.
Digital Palaeography: What is digital about it?
Ciula, A.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Discursive Constructions Of Culture: A Semantic Model For Historical Travel Guides.
Czeitschner, U.
Exploring Networks Of Confidentiality And Secrecy In Early Modern Transconfessional Correspondences
van Vugt, I.
First We Feel Then We Fall - Multimedia Adaptation of Joyce's Finnegans Wake
Bazarnik, K., Wróblewski, J.
From Ashes to Ashé: Digital Disaster Archives as Memorials
Carlton, P.
ITAF: Rewiring the Italian ‘Nation’ of the Army of Flanders (1567-1714)
Arfaioli, M.
Identity Lenses in Analyzing Evolving Social Structures
Hott, J., Martin, W., Flake, K.
Indigenous digital humanities. Participatory geo-referenced-mapping and visualization for digital data management platforms in digital anthropology
Froemming, U.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
Integrative 3D Recording Methods of Historic Architecture: Burg Hohenecken from Southwest Germany
Pattee, A., Höfle, B., Seitz, C.
Live/Life Stories. The Uses Of Digital War Testimonies In Educational Contexts
hogervorst, s.
Materiality and Metadata of Digitised Photographs: A Theoretical Inquiry
Das Gupta, V.
Modelling between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice
Ciula, A., Eide, Ø., Marras, C., Sahle, P.
Moving Images and the Connection to other Media Types
Kilchenmann, A., Rosenthaler, L.
Notes from the Transcription Desk: Modes of engagement between the community and the resource of the Letters of 1916
Das Gupta, V., Rooney, N., Schreibman, S.
Notoriously Toxic: The Language and Cost of Hate in the Chat Systems of Online Games
Miller, B. et al.
Quantitative Analyses of Chinese Poetry of Tang and Song Dynasties: Using Changing Colors and Innovative Terms as Examples
Liu, C.
Regional Classification of Traditional Japanese Folk Songs from the Chugoku District
Kawase, A.
Remediations of Polish Literary Bibliography: Towards a Lossless and Sustainable Retro-Conversion Model for Bibliographical Data
Maryl, M., Wciślik, P.
Representations Of Race: Mining Identity In American Fiction, 1789-1964
Algee-Hewitt, M., Porter, J., Walser, H.
Researchers to your Driving Seats: Building a Graphical User Interface for Multilingual Topic-Modelling in R with Shiny
Koentges, T.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
Sussex Humanities Lab - Emotion, Automation and Sonic Socialities
Roberts, B. et al.
The Corpus of Revenge Tragedy (CoRT): Toward Interdisciplining Early Modern Digital Humanities and Genre Analysis
Farrar, D.
The Evolution of Virtual Harlem: Bringing the Jazz Age to Life
Carter, B.
The Lifecycle of a Digital African Studies Projects: Creating Sustainable, Equitable, and Ethical Projects
Rehberger, D., Thiaw, I., Mack, D., Keller, C., Foley, C.
The Manuscripts of David Livingstone and New Frontiers for Spectral Imaging
Wisnicki, A., Kumari, A.
The Southern Netherlands and the Infrastructure of Early Modern Globalisation (1500-1800)
Fuss, U., Pistor, C., Thomas, W., Esponda de la Campa, C., Behiels, L., Manrique Figueroa, C.
The digital breadcrumb trail of Brothers Grimm
Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Rotari, G., Pannach, F., Solhdoust, M., Büchler, M.
The »Hidden Kosmos« of scientific instruments in Alexander von Humboldt's »Vorlesungen über physikalische Geographie« – or: What on earth is an »Ariometer«?
Hug, M., Thomas, C.
Thresholds: Valuing the Creative Process in Digital Publishing
Trettien, W., McDonald, F.
Two Centuries of Russian Roads – Diachronic Study of Polysemy in the Context of Cultural Change
Bonch-Osmolovskaya, A.
Urban Youth and Community Media: A Digital Place-Making Process in Vanuatu
Dick, T., Doyle, S.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.
What's in a Topic Model
Ciotti, F.
data mining / text mining
#ww1. The Great War on Twitter
Clavert, F.
A DH-Leavened Musicological Toolbox
Giannetti, F., Kijas, A.
A Management of Personal Name with Alternate Name and its Searching for Japanese Historical Study
Yamada, T., Inoue, S.
A Method for Record Linkage with Sparse Historical Data
Colavizza, G., Ehrmann, M., Rochat, Y.
A Web-based Tool Called Gauntlet: From Iterative Design To Interactive Drawings Annotation
Dessart, G., Sankar, M., Chasapi, A., Bologna, G., Dandarova Robert, Z., Brandt, P.
ARLO (Adaptive Recognition with Layered Optimization): a Prototype for High Performance Analysis of Sound Collections in the Humanities
Clement, T., McLaughlin, S., Tcheng, D., Auvil, L., Borries, T.
Adding Flexibility to Large-Scale Text Visualization with HathiTrust+Bookworm
Organisciak, P. et al.
Approaches to Thematic Classification for Latin Epic
Forstall, C., Galli Milic, L., Damien, N.
Authorship Attribution Using Different Languages
Juola, P., Mikros, G.
Automatic Detection of Characters in Case Insensitive Text in Comics
Abi Haidar, A., Ganascia, J.
Automatic Emotion Detection for Quantitative Literary Studies *
Klinger, R., Suliya, S., Reiter, N.
Automatic quotation detection in Russian nonfiction texts
Tyshkevich, N.
Big Data and the Study of Allusion: an Exploration of Tesserae's Multitext Capability
Gawley, J., Diddams, A.
Big Data: Complex Systems and Text Analysis
Kretzschmar, W., Burkette, A., Hettel, J.
Biographical Data Workshop: modeling, sharing and analyzing people’s lives
Fokkens, A. et al.
Boutique Big Data: Reintegrating Close and Distant Reading of 19th-Century Newspapers
Beals, M.
Building Blocks of Fiction: Lexical Bundles in Nineteenth-Century Novels
Gemma, M., Heuser, R.
Building Large Persons’ Networks to Explore Digital Corpora
Moretti, G., Tonelli, S., Menini, S.
Climate Negotiation Analysis
Ruiz Fabo, P., Plancq, C., Poibeau, T.
Collaborative Annotation and Exploration of Literary Works in Learning Contexts
Bolioli, A., Tasso, R.
Comparing Digital Scholarly Editions
Smith, D., Lindeborg, S.
Concept Modeling the Advertising Chinese Modern Society
Barlow, T., Chen, J., Deng, K.
Contextualizing Receptions of World Literature by Mining Multilingual Wikipedias
Miller, B. et al.
Crossed Semantic Analysis of Literary Texts with DeSeRT
Ganascia, J., Mainardi, C.
Crosslingual Textual Emigration Analysis
Blessing, A., Kuhn, J.
Data mining digital libraries
Johnsen, L., Birkenes, M., Lindstad, A.
Defining the Core Entities of an Environment for Textual Processing in Literary Computing
Del Grosso, A., Albanesi, D., Giovannetti, E., Marchi, S.
Detecting Musical Paratext at Scale
Boettcher, M., Wallace, J.
Digging into ECCO: Identifying Commonplaces and other Forms of Text Reuse at Scale
Roe, G., Gladstone, C., Morrissey, R., Olsen, M.
Digital Literary Stylistics Workshop
Herrmann, J., Frontini, F., Gemma, M.
Digital Resources and Research Data in the Digital Humanities: The Digital Knowledge Store at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Jürgens, M., Grabsch, S.
Digitally Mapping Romantic Literature and Culture
Donaldson, C., Sangster, M., Taylor, J.
Does Character Speech Matter? A Quantitative Approach
Bockwinkel, P.
Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-Scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High Performance Computing, and transforming access to British Library Digital Collections
Terras, M. et al.
Entities as topic labels: improving topic interpretability and evaluability combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA
Nanni, F., Ruiz Fabo, P.
Exploring The History Of The Qur’an Digitally
Jocham, T., Marx, M., Pohl, O., Schnöpf, M.
Exploring and Discovering Archive-It Collections with Warcbase
Milligan, I., Lin, J., Wiebe, J., Zhou, A.
Faraway, So Close!: Reading Adeline Mowbray Closely Using Topic Modelling
Falk, M.
From Ashes to Ashé: Digital Disaster Archives as Memorials
Carlton, P.
From Digitization to Knowledge: Resources and Methods for Semantic Processing of Digital Works/Texts
Nugues, P., Borin, L., Fargier, N., Johansson, R., Reiter, N., Tonelli, S.
From Handwritten Text to Structured Data: Alternatives to Editing Large Archival Series
Sluijter, R., Scherer, M., Derks, S., Nijenhuis, I., Ravenek, W., Hoekstra, R.
From Keyword Search To Discourse Mining - The Meaning Of Scientific Management In Dutch Vocabulary, 1900-1940
Huijnen, P., Lonij, J.
From Language Revolution to Revolutionary Language
Yue, C., Ho, L., Cheng, W.
From Order to Order Switch. Mediating between Complexity and Reproducibility in the Context of Automated Literary Annotation
Thomas, B., Gius, E., Jacke, J., Strötgen, J.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
Git-Lit: an Application of Distributed Version Control Technology toward the Creation of 50,000 Digital Scholarly Editions
Reeve, J.
Identity Lenses in Analyzing Evolving Social Structures
Hott, J., Martin, W., Flake, K.
If Paintings were Plants: Measuring Genre Diversity in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting and Printmaking
Lincoln, M.
Institutionalizing and implementing the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project
Berkowitz, J., Caplan, D., Legutko, A., Rubinstein, A.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Tilton, L., Arnold, T.
Language Attitudes of Twitter Users Toward New York City English
LaFave, N.
Linguistic Variation In The Hebrew Bible: Digging Deeper Than The Word Level
Naaijer, M., Roorda, D.
Literary Concepts: The Past and the Future
Eder, M., Jannidis, F., Rybicki, J., Schöch, C., van Dalen, K.
Mapping Imagined and Experienced Places: An Exploration of the Geography of Willa Cather’s Writing
Rau, E., Kirilloff, G.
Mapping the Bentham Corpus
Tieberghien, E., Ruiz Fabo, P., Mélanie-Bécquet, F., Poibeau, T., Causer, T., Terras, M.
Measuring the Dynamics of Lexico-Semantic Change Since the German Romantic Period
Hellrich, J., Hahn, U.
Metacanon.org: Digital Humanities and the Canon
Conroy, N.
Metaphor Mining in Historical German Novels: Using Unsupervised Learning to Uncover Conceptual Systems in Literature.
Pernes, S.
Mining Leitmotif in James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’
Crowley, R., Mihály Tóth, G.
Mining Texts with the Extracted Features Dataset
Organisciak, P., Downie, J.
Multivalent reuse of web data about temporary art exhibitions: the Exhibitium project
Rodríguez-Ortega, N., Pino Díaz, J., Suárez, J., Bailón Moreno, R.
Named Entity Extraction from digitized texts of Mongolian Historical Documents in Traditional Mongolian Script
Batjargal, B., Khaltarkhuu, G., Maeda, A.
Outliers or Key Profiles? Understanding Distance Measures for Authorship Attribution
Evert, S. et al.
Poetry in Prose: automatic identification of verses in brazilian literature
Carvalho, R., Loula, A., Queiroz, J.
Project Dialogism: Toward a Computational History of Vocal Diversity in English-Language Literature
Hammond, A., Brooke, J.
Projet Odysseus, Outil d’Etudes Comparatives Du Traductologue
RAPSCAPE – un’esplorazione dell’universo linguistico del rap attraverso il text-mining e la data-visualization
Perna, S., Guarasci, R., Maisto, A., Vitale, P.
REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, Linking and Visualisation of References in TEI Digital Editions
Frontini, F., Brando, C., Ganascia, J.
Regional Classification of Traditional Japanese Folk Songs from the Chugoku District
Kawase, A.
Representations Of Race: Mining Identity In American Fiction, 1789-1964
Algee-Hewitt, M., Porter, J., Walser, H.
Researchers to your Driving Seats: Building a Graphical User Interface for Multilingual Topic-Modelling in R with Shiny
Koentges, T.
Researchers’ perceptions of DH trends and topics in the English and Spanish-speaking community. DayofDH data as a case study.
Robles-Gómez, A. et al.
SMTP: Stedelijk Museum Text Mining Project
Smeets, J., Scholtes, J., Rasterhoff, C., Schavemaker, M.
Seeing Andalucia's Late Gothic heritage through GIS and Graphs
Ferreira Lopes, P., Pinto Puerto, F., Jimenez Mavillard, A., Suarez, J.
Straight Talk! Automatic Recognition of Direct Speech in Nineteenth-Century French Novels
Schöch, C., Schlör, D., Popp, S., Brunner, A., Henny, U., Calvo Tello, J.
The Corpus of Revenge Tragedy (CoRT): Toward Interdisciplining Early Modern Digital Humanities and Genre Analysis
Farrar, D.
The Royal Society Corpus: Towards a high-quality corpus for studying diachronic variation in scientific writing
Kermes, H., Degaetano-Ortlieb, S., Khamis, A., Knappen, J., Teich, E.
The Trace of Theory: Extracting Subsets from Large Collections
Rockwell, G., Mandell, L., Sinclair, S., Wilkens, M., Capitanu, B., Downie, S.
The digital breadcrumb trail of Brothers Grimm
Franzini, G., Franzini, E., Rotari, G., Pannach, F., Solhdoust, M., Büchler, M.
Time Series Analysis Enhances Authorship Attribution
Ochab, J.
Topical Diversification Over Time In The Royal Society Corpus
Fankhauser, P., Knappen, J., Teich, E.
Using Big Data Techniques For Searching Digital Archives: use cases in Digital Humanities
Delve, J., Schlarb, S., Schmidt, R., Healey, R.
Verbal Identity of a Fictional Character: a Quantitative Study with a Machine Learning Experiment
Bonch-Osmolovskaya, A., Sidorova, E., Skorinkin, D.
View Source: Reading the Hidden Texts of the Web
Thompson, J.
Visual Network Analysis with Gephi Workshop
Jacomy, M., Grandjean, M., Girard, P.
Web Communities Mapping With Hyphe
Jacomy, M., Girard, P., Ooghe-Tabanou, B.
WebSty – an Open Web-based System for Exploring Stylometric Structures in Document Collections
Piasecki, M., Walkowiak, T., Eder, M.
What Do Boy Bands Tell Us About Disasters? The Social Media Response to the Nepal Earthquake
Shepard, D., Hashimoto, T., Kuboyama, T., Shin, K.
What's in a Topic Model
Ciotti, F.
Wikidition: Towards A Multi-layer Network Model of Intertextuality
Mehler, A., Wagner, B., Gleim, R.
data modeling and architecture including hypothesis-driven modeling
A lesson in applied minimalism: adopting the TEI processing model
Turska, M., Cummings, J.
Adding Semantics To Comics Using A Crowdsourcing Approach
Tufis, M.
Archives Distant Reading: Mapping the Activity of the League of Nations’ Intellectual Cooperation
Grandjean, M.
Big Data: Complex Systems and Text Analysis
Kretzschmar, W., Burkette, A., Hettel, J.
Biographical Data Workshop: modeling, sharing and analyzing people’s lives
Fokkens, A. et al.
Bretez : Conjugaison du passé au futur
Pardoen, M.
Compiling a Database on Historical China from Local Records: The Local Gazetteers Project at MPIWG
Chen, S., Hong, Z., Schäfer, D., Siebert, M., Urzúa, J.
Contextualizing Historical Places in a Gazetteer by Using Historical Maps and Linked Data
Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Hyvönen, E.
Creating A Management Plan For A Cultural Heritage Project - Best Practise
Koch, C.
Critical Edition as Graph: The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa Online
Safaryan, A., Kaufmann, S., Andrews, T.
DH Poetry Modelling: a Quest for Philological and Technical Standardization
González-Blanco, E., Del Rio Riande, G., Martinez Cantón, C.
Digital Criticism Platform for Evidence-based Digital Humanities with Applications to Historical Studies of Silk Road
Kitamoto, A., Nishimura, Y.
Digital Palaeography: What is digital about it?
Ciula, A.
EDM in Use: Collecting Metadata for a Regional Cultural Heritage Portal
Steiner, E.
From Index Cards to a Digital Information System: Teaching Data Modeling to Master's Students in History
Beretta, F.
GAMS and Cirilo: research data preservation and presentation
Bürgermeister, M. et al.
Geography Of Russian Poetry: Countries And Cities Inside The Poetic World
Kuzmenko, E., Orekhov, B.
If Paintings were Plants: Measuring Genre Diversity in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting and Printmaking
Lincoln, M.
Mapping European Periodical Counterpublics: Building a Sustainable Collaborative Framework for European Periodical Studies
Schelstraete, J., Chambers, S., Van Remoortel, M.
Modelling Music Reception: An Ontology For Representing Interpretations of Richard Wagner's Leitmotifs
Rindfleisch, C.
Modelling Taxonomies of Text Reuse in the Deipnosophists of Athenaeus of Naucratis: Declarative Digital Scholarship
Berti, M., Daniels, M., Strickland, S., Vincent-Dobbins, K.
Oulipian Stylometry
Wolff, M.
Qu’est-ce qu’un texte numérique? A New Rationale for the Digital Representation of Text
Van Zundert, J., Andrews, T.
Remediations of Polish Literary Bibliography: Towards a Lossless and Sustainable Retro-Conversion Model for Bibliographical Data
Maryl, M., Wciślik, P.
Seeing the Argument: Visualize Your Database with DAVILA
Bauer, J.
Standardized Digital workflow for Archiving Local Knowledge
Fujimoto, Y., Horiuchi, Y.
Taking VIVO into the Past: Adapting the VIVO Researcher Profile System to Historical Persons
Lindquist, T., Viggio, A.
The DEFC-App: A Web-based Archaeological Data Management System for ‘Digitizing Early Farming Cultures’
Andorfer, P., Aspöck, E., Ďurčo, M., Masur, A., Zaytseva, K.
The Royal Society Corpus: Towards a high-quality corpus for studying diachronic variation in scientific writing
Kermes, H., Degaetano-Ortlieb, S., Khamis, A., Knappen, J., Teich, E.
The symogih.org Project: Towards an International Consortium
Beretta, F., Alamercery, V., Ferhod, D.
Using Computer Numerical Control Techniques to Prototype Media History
Sayers, J., Chan, T.